
Even if I lived a lifetime thanking and praising

ولو أنني عمرت في الشكر والثنا

1. Even if I lived a lifetime thanking and praising
Al-Sadr as long the ages have endured,

١. وَلو أَنَّني عمّرتُ في الشُكر وَالثَنا
عَلى الصَدر مَنصورٍ كَما عمّر الدَهرُ

2. And came up with unprecedented eulogies,
Hoping to exalt his glory in this age,

٢. وَجئت بِما لَم يَأتِ قَبلي بمثله
لَعلياه مِن مَدح بِهِ يَزدَهي العَصر

3. I would still fall short enumerating the least
Of his virtues, for triumph itself was suckled at his breast.

٣. لَقصرت عَن إِحصاء أَدنى مَناقب
لَهُ اِشتُقَّ مِنها وَهوَ في مَهده النَصر