
Time has crowned the king with wisdom

الدهر كلل تاج الملك بالحكم

1. Time has crowned the king with wisdom
And supported religion and homeland with determination

١. الدَهر كلل تاج الملك بالحِكَمِ
وَأَيد الدين وَالأَوطان بالهممِ

2. And the state of justice, Ismail, since you desired
In the desirer, has become published knowledge

٢. وَدَولة العدل إسماعيل مذ رغبت
في راغبٍ أَصبحت مَنشورة العلم

3. Do you not see that he is in Egypt as if
An impregnable fortress God has endowed it with glory

٣. أَما تَرى أَنَّهُ في مصر وَهوَ لها
حصن مَنيع حباها مِنهُ بِالشمم

4. And that he is the supporter of the clear truth with what
He suddenly defeated the despised falsehood with annihilation

٤. وَأَنَّهُ عضد الحَق المُبين بِما
قَد فاجأ الباطل المَذموم بِالعَدم

5. Do you not see that with justice, which belongs to him
The people abolished the norms of tyranny and grievance

٥. أَما تَرى أَنَّهُ بِالعَدل وَهوَ لَهُ
أَهل أَباد رسوم الجور وَالنقم

6. And that he gave justice to the oppressed wherever he has
Repelled the darkness despite the opponent and the judge

٦. وَأَنَّهُ أَنصف المَظلوم حَيث لَهُ
ردّ الظَلامة رغم الخصم وَالحَكَم

7. Do you not see that in every consultation
He rises above others with opinions and wisdom

٧. أَما تَرى أَنَّهُ في كُل مَشوَرَةٍ
يَسمو عَلى الغَير بِالآراء وَالحِكَم

8. And that he has no equal among all people
In resolve, patience, daring and generosity

٨. وَأَنَّهُ ما لَهُ بَين الوَرى شبهٌ
في الحَزم وَالحلم وَالإقدام وَالكَرَم

9. Do you not see that the boldness of his politics
Made forget the politics of Mamun and Mu'tasim

٩. أَما تَرى أَنَّهُ شهم سِياستُه
أَنست سياسةَ مَأمون وَمعتصم

10. And that he is a scholar in one, and in him
The pillar of manhood has become indestructible

١٠. وَأَنَّهُ عالَمٌ في واحد وَبِهِ
ركن المروءة أَضحى غَير منهدم

11. Do you not see that in what he undertakes
Of matters he is determined, firm of foot

١١. أَما تَرى أَنه فيما يُباشره
مِن الأُمور همامٌ راسخ القدم

12. And that he is worthy in his leadership
Of preceding and gentleness with the ruled and the servants

١٢. وَأَنَّهُ لجدير في رياسته
بِالسَبق وَالرفق بِالمَخدوم وَالخَدم

13. And how can his descriptions in which
The pages are filled with prose and verse be enumerated

١٣. وَكَيفَ تُحصَر أَوصاف لَهُ مُلِئت
بِها الصَحائف مِن نثرٍ وَمنتظم

14. Or how can a praiser in his praises
Enumerate what is in him of the generosity of morals and qualities

١٤. أَم كَيفَ يُحصي مُجيدٌ في مَدائحه
ما فيهِ مِن كَرم الأَخلاق وَالشِيَم

15. And he is far above any peer who can equal him
In what benefits he brings upon the nations

١٥. وَقَد تنزه عَن ندٍّ يُماثله
فيما يَعود بِهِ نفع عَلى الأُمم

16. And where his foundations are established
On the basis of keeping promises and covenants

١٦. وَحَيث إِن مَبانيه مؤسسة
عَلى قَواعد حفظ العَهد وَالذمم

17. And giving what in it reforms and benefits
Egypt for the people, Arabs and non-Arabs

١٧. وَبذل ما فيهِ إِصلاح وَمنفعة
بمصر للناس مِن عرب وَمِن عَجَم

18. And folding what was before spread
Of transgression and looting of wealth and blessings

١٨. وطيّ ما كانَ قَبل الآن مُنتَشِراً
مِن التَعدّي وَسَلب المال وَالنعم

19. Spreading civilization in its outskirts, and with it
He eliminated savagery from it, the creator of breaths

١٩. بَث التمدّنَ في أَرجائِها وَبِهِ
نَفَى التوحشَ عَنها بارئُ النسم

20. And it is he who corresponded to the noble breast to
Establish things that indicated magnificence

٢٠. وَهوَ الَّذي جاوب الصَدر الجَليل عَلى
إِنشاء أَشياء قَد دلت عَلى العِظَم

21. Among them councils of justice whose members
In judging and ruling were appointed from accusations

٢١. مِنها مجالس للإنصاف قَد بُزِلَت
أَعضاؤُها في القَضا وَالحكم مِن تُهَم

22. So how many cases through them complications were solved
And produced after long despair and infertility

٢٢. فَكم قَضايا بِها انحلت مَشاكلها
وَأَنتَجَت بَعدَ طُول اليَأس وَالعقم

23. Because from the radiance of his lights they drew
What illuminated the horizons of illusions and injustice

٢٣. لِأَنَّها مِن سَنا أَنواره اقتبست
ما قَد جَلا غَيهَب الأَوهام وَالظلم

24. And for the offices among them in their administration
Most wondrous, beautiful system not ruptured

٢٤. وَللدواوين مِنها في إِدارتها
أَبهى نِظام بَديع غَير منخرم

25. And for the regions multiplied sustenances
By his good management they increase in value

٢٥. وَللأقاليم أَرزاقٌ مضاعفةٌ
بحسن تَدبيره تَزداد في القيم

26. And for the interests from him health, and with him
What was of disease has been removed from its body

٢٦. وَللمصالح مِنهُ صحةٌ وَبِهِ
قَد زالَ عَن جسمها ما كانَ مِن سقم

27. And since he saw that it is inevitable to have proofs
To suppress those who strayed from his guidance and blinded

٢٧. وَمُذ رَأى أَنَّهُ لا بد مِن حجج
لقمع من ضل عَن إِرشاده وَعمي

28. And deter him with the laws that were issued
Whose rulings were pronounced with a decision dispelling doubts

٢٨. وَردعه بِالقوانين الَّتي صدرت
أَحكامها بِقَرارٍ كاشف الغمم

29. He decreed to translate them so that for them
In Egypt there would be a matter to which every mute submits

٢٩. قضى بتعريبها حَتّى يَكون لَها
في مصر أَمرٌ لَهُ يَنقاد كُل كَمِي

30. So he chose four of us and arranged them
With the president for this matter in an office

٣٠. فَاِختار أَربعةً منا ورتبهم
مَع الرَئيس لهذا الشأن في قلم

31. And each specialized in a law and translated it
Quickly, eloquently, and clear in expression

٣١. وَاختصَّ كُلٌّ بِقانونٍ فترجمه
بسرعةٍ وَبَيانٍ واضح الكلم

32. And we are from his hands confident
That they have not ceased drawing like rainwater

٣٢. وَإننا مِن أَياديه عَلى ثقة
بِأَنَّها لَم تَزَل تنهلّ كالديم

33. And it suffices us that we attained through him an honor
When we were counted among his veterans

٣٣. وَحسبُنا أَنَّنا نلنا بِهِ شَرَفاً
لَما حُسبنا عَلى علياه مِن قدم

34. But now we hope from his generosity
Upon dividing the gifts the most plentiful share

٣٤. لَكننا الآن نَرجو مِن مَكارمه
عِندَ اِقتِسام العَطايا أَوفرَ القسم

35. He continues to increase from us in his virtues
Gratitude with every speaking tongue and mouth

٣٥. لازالَ يَزداد مِنّا في مَناقبه
شُكراً بكل لِسانٍ ناطق وَفم