1. For the arrival of the mother of the Khedive in Egypt
Good tidings spread throughout the world
١. لِقُدوم والدة الخديوِ بمصرهِ
عَمَّت جَميعَ العالمين بَشائرُ
2. And the grandchildren rejoiced at her return
With joy at his delight that gladdens sights
٢. وَاِزدادَت الأَحفاد عِندَ إِيابِها
فَرَحاً بِبهجته تُسَرُّ نَواظر
3. Our times were adorned for us in splendor
And all in it thank the esteemed one
٣. وَصفت لَنا أَوقاتنا في زينة
وَالكُل فيها لِلعَزيزة شاكر
4. Ismail continues to raise her status
And give her special benevolence from his commands
٤. لا زالَ إسماعيل يَرفَع قَدرَها
وَيخصها بِالبر منه أَوامر
5. He did not return from a journey to his homelands
Except with mighty victory, the mighty traveler
٥. ما آب مِن سَفَر إِلى أَوطانه
بِالعز وَالنَصر العَزيز مُسافر