
Has the sun of beauty risen in its glories?

هل شمس حسن تجلت في مغانيها

1. Has the sun of beauty risen in its glories?
Or is it a garden in bloom, drawing near its beauties?

١. هَل شَمسُ حسنٍ تَجلت في مَغانيها
أَم رَوضةٌ أَينَعَت تَدنو مَجانيها

2. Is it a friendly full moon whose lights have appeared,
Manifesting the meanings of its perfections?

٢. أَم بَدر أُنس بَدَت أَنواره فَجلت
مِن المحاسن ما تَزهو مَعانيها

3. Or are those the stars of the highest heaven,
Whose lights shone on earth and fill the horizons?

٣. أَم ذَلِكَ الفلك الأَعلى كَواكبُه
في الأَرض لاحَت وَما في الأُفق ثانيها

4. Or is it that valiant king of armies who built
A palace in Egypt, raising its grandeur with its builder?

٤. أَم ذَلِكَ الشَهم شاهين الجُيوش بَنى
داراً بِمصر علت قَدراً بِبانيها

5. And Majdi proclaimed in his ode recording its date:
"A palace protected by the valiant king in its structures."

٥. وَقال مَجدي بِناديها يؤرخها
سِراية صان شاهينٌ مَبانيها