
Good fortune attends you with honor in its processions,

لك السعد وافى بالعلى في مواكبه

1. Good fortune attends you with honor in its processions,
And from you the full moon of joy rises in its orbit.

١. لَكَ السَعدُ وَافى بِالعُلى في مَواكبِهْ
وَمِنكَ دَنا بَدرُ الهَنا في كَواكبِهْ

2. You have won a precious honor for a position,
That made eminent by Divine aid his noble forehead.

٢. وَفُزتَ بِتَشريفٍ عَزيزٍ لِمَنزلٍ
أَضاءَت لآلي جيدِه بِمواهبه

3. It strove in a springtime whose sunset was
The twenty-first, to fulfill its account.

٣. سَعى في رَبيعٍ في مَساء غُروبه
لِحادي وَعشرين بِتَحقيق حاسبه

4. So times were pleasant for you in the shadow of a state,
Wherein each person has the serenity of his drinking-place.

٤. فَطابَت لَكَ الأَوقاتُ في ظل دَولة
لِكُل امرئ فيها صَفاءُ مَشاربه

5. And how should it not be so, when he has appointed you to leadership,
By which the noblest of positions are adorned in Egypt?

٥. وَكَيفَ وَقَد أَولاكَ مِنهُ رِياسةً
بِها اِزدان في مَصر أَجلُّ مَناصبه

6. So you stood with the deputies in every assembly,
With a sunna of justice like a lofty cypress.

٦. فَقُمت مَع النوّاب في كُل محفلٍ
بسنة عَدلٍ كَسرويٍّ وَواجبه

7. And you were met by him with favor,
As Ahmad to his lordly namesake.

٧. وَقُوبلت بِالتَمييز مِنهُ تَأسِّياً
بِأَحمَد في المَولى سَميّك صاحبه

8. And that is a divine guidance which He singled out
For it and for succoring His side.

٨. وَذَلِكَ تَوفيقٌ مِن اللَه خَصّه
بِهِ وَحده فينا لِتَأييد جانبه

9. Give glad tidings to the prince and yourself as his servant,
Whose virtues are too numerous to be counted.

٩. فَبُشراه مخدوماً وَبُشراك خادِماً
يَجلُّ عَن الإِحصاء بَعض مَناقبه

10. And glad tidings to my Majdi wherever the historian says,
"Ismail visited the abode of his salary."

١٠. وَبُشرى لِمجدي حَيث قال مُؤرّخاً
لَقَد زارَ إسماعيل منزل راتبه