1. No righteous man hopes for an ally, nor does an ally exist,
For they assist in injustice, not in equity.
١. لا يُرتَجَى سائرٌ يَوماً وَلا حارُ
وَلا بنانٌ فَهُم للجور أَنصارُ
2. The leader of the people was the first to break his promise.
Had fate aided him, he would have fulfilled it.
٢. وَأَوّل القَوم خُلف الوَعد ديدنه
لَو ساعَدته عَلى الإنجاز أَقدار
3. So do not ask a need of them, for with good words
Excuses seem fair to them when fulfilling hopes.
٣. فَلا تَسَل حاجة مِنهُم فَإِنَّهُمُ
بِالنَص طابَت لَهم في المطل أَعذار
4. Do not trust them in loyalty,
Nor say they judge with justice when they wrong you.
٤. وَلا تَكُن بِالوَفا مِنهُم عَلى ثقة
وَلا تَقل عدلوا في الحكم إِن جاروا
5. For the righteous man neglected a long friendship
And did not preserve a brotherhood distinguishing the virtuous.
٥. فَسائرٌ ضيّع الودّ القَديم وَلم
يَحفظ إخاءً بِهِ تَمتاز أَخيار
6. He nearly fooled himself with his authority,
Had he no fear that critics would spurn him
٦. وَكاد يَغترُّ مِن طَيش بمسنده
لَولا مَخافة أَن تَجفوه نظّار
7. Or four would turn from him in disdain -
An uncle, a nephew, loved ones and the righteous.
٧. أَو تَنزَوي عَنهُ زُهداً فيهِ أَربعةٌ
عمٌّ وَخال وَأَحباب وَأَخيار
8. For at his gates stood his guards
Who barred the way from those who visited.
٨. وَكَيفَ لا وَعلى أَبوابه وَقفت
حُجّابُه ليصدّوا عَنهُ مَن زاروا
9. They met them with refusal at his resources
When they were in utmost need.
٩. وَقابَلوهم بِمَنع عَن مَوارده
عِندَ الصُدور وَهُم لا شَك أَغمار
10. And all who knew him before
Now see in him something to deny.
١٠. وَكُل مَن كانَ قَبل الآن يَعرفه
بَدا له مِنهُ فيما بَعد إِنكار
11. And say: "Woe to the man deluded by his office!
Does he not see that dismissal is near?
١١. وَقال يا وَيح مَغرور بِمنصبه
أَما له في قبيل العَزل إِنذار
12. Does he not know that the days of life pass,
And thus is the fate of glory and decline?"
١٢. أَما دَرى أَن أَيام الوَرى دول
وَهَكَذا الدَهر إِقبال وَادبار
13. "That which the best two did has passed away with their death
Due to their righteous deeds."
١٣. وَأنَّ ما اندثرت
لِحُسن صنعهما بِالمَوت آثار
14. I am determined not to greet him
As long as I live, even if that angers me.
١٤. إِني عَزمت عَلى أَن لا أَسالمه
ما دُمت حَياً وَلَو شطّت بي الدار
15. And indeed, I am not pleased with him as long as
The wicked keep circling around him.
١٥. وَإِنَّني غَير راض عَنهُ ما بَرحت
تَطوف مِن حَوله بِاللؤم أَشرار
16. So do not blame me for turning away from him,
When his state and circumstances have changed.
١٦. فَلا تَلمني عَلى الإعراض عَنهُ وَقَد
تَغيرت مِنهُ أَحوال وَأَطوار
17. Especially since in his affairs, he has become
Distinguishing, and his station has increased.
١٧. لا سيما حينَ أَضحى في مَصالحه
مميزاً وَلَهُ قَد زادَ مِقدار
18. The hand of honor has given him three,
Shining lights upon the chest.
١٨. وَقلدته يَدُ التَشريف ثالثةً
مِن المجيدي لَها بِالصَدر أَنوار
19. Of what use is a decorated history
To one whom they chose another over you in their circle?
١٩. فَما فَوائد تاريخٍ تنمِّقه
لِمَن لِغَيرك في ناديهمُ اِختاروا
20. And they preferred over you a flattering brother
Who knows not what is disgrace.
٢٠. وَآثروا مِن بَني الدُنيا عَليك أَخا
تَملقٍ لَيسَ يَدري ما هُوَ العار
21. What is your purpose in praising them, when they
Have forgotten and have no thoughts of friendship?
٢١. وَما مُرادك فيهم بِالمَديح وَهُم
نَسوا وَما عِندَهُم لِلخلِّ تِذكار
22. So sever ties with them as long as their path
Has been denied by their allies and the free.
٢٢. فَاِقطَع عَلائقهم ما دامَ سَيرهم
قَد أَنكرته مَواليهم وَأَحرار
23. And accept the advice of one whose friendship
Many strangers have not changed over time.
٢٣. وَاقبل نَصيحة شَهم لا تُغيِّره
عَن الصَداقة طُولَ الدَهر أَغيار
24. You continue to be enchanted by the magic
With which poetry flows in every valley with travelers.
٢٤. لا زلت تُطرب مِن سحر تسير بِهِ
في كُل واد مع الرُكبان أَشعار
25. No sun of verse in the sky of literature has dawned,
No moons have blossomed in the constellations of prose,
٢٥. ما أَشرَقت شَمسُ نظمٍ في سَما أَدَبٍ
أَو أَزهَرَت في بُروج النَثر أَقمار
26. Nor have I said in praising your excellent beginning:
"No righteous man hopes for an ally, nor does an ally exist."
٢٦. أَو قُلت في حسن تَنديدي بمطلعه
لا يُرتجَى سائرٌ يَوماً وَلا حار