
O king of the land and lion of armies

يا مليك الورى وليث الكتائب

1. O king of the land and lion of armies
Destroyer of evil and rain of clouds

١. يا مَليك الوَرى وَلَيث الكَتائبْ
وَهِزبرَ الشَرى وَغَيث السحائبْ

2. You were under the ground but I kept rising
With you until you were known among the processions

٢. كُنتَ تَحت الثَرى فَمازلتُ أَعلو
بِكَ حَتّى عُرفتَ بَين المَواكب

3. So he accused me falsely in your noble presence
Seeking to lower me so he can attain his goals

٣. فَوشى بي لَدى جَنابك واشٍ
رام خَفضي كَيما يَنال المآرب

4. And claimed that I had stolen, and it suffices me
That the arrow of his claim is not right

٤. وَادّعى أَنني اِختَلَست وَحَسبي
أَن سهم ادّعائه غَير صائب

5. And how many incidents other than this
Where his supporter was the evilest writer

٥. وَلَكَم مِن وَقائعٍ غَير هذي
صارَ فيها نَصيره شرّ كاتب

6. Deceived by the past and soon
His matter will be uncovered to observers and riders

٦. غرّه ما مَضى وَعَما قَليلٍ
يَنجلي أَمره لَماش وَراكب

7. And despite him I live honored
Safe from the calamities of adversities

٧. وَعلى رَغمه أَعيش عَزيزاً
في أَمان مِن غائِلات النَوائب

8. And I enjoy as I wish in the land
Of the happy Lord of sublime traits

٨. وَبما أَشتَهي كَما شئت أَحظى
في رِحاب السَعيد رَب المَناقب

9. May God make his kingdom eternal in lands
That He has gifted with his ocean of boons

٩. خَلد اللَه ملكه في دِيار
قَد حَباها مِن بَحره بِالمَواهب

10. And through him all lands have always
Boasted in their east and their west

١٠. وَبِهِ لَم تَزَل عَلى كُل أَرض
تَتَباهى في شَرقِها وَالمَغارب

11. Since the sun of justice rose
And the moon that dispelled darkness followed

١١. ما بَدَت في سَما العَدالة شَمس
وَتَلاها بَدرٌ أَزال الغَياهب