
With the birth of the Khedive Sa'id

بسنا مولد الخديوي سعيد

1. With the birth of the Khedive Sa'id
The owner of auspicious, fortunate horoscope

١. بِسنا مَولد الخديويْ سَعيدِ
صاحب الطالع المُنيف السَعيدِ

2. The regions of Upper Egypt shone
And gloried in his feast with joy

٢. أَشرقت في الهَنا بِقاعُ الصَعيدِ
وَتَباهَت في عيده بسرورِ

3. And for this beloved one, praises were woven
As he attained heights of nobility

٣. وَلهذا العَزيز بثَّت ثَناها
حَيث نالت مِن المَعالي مُناها

4. Its charm was purified and its brilliance increased
And its sky was illuminated with full moons

٤. وَصَفا أُنسَها وَزادَ سَناها
وَأَضاءَت سماؤُها بِالبُدورِ

5. And it was adorned with the garment of splendor and joy
And its bliss increased with that blessed one

٥. وَاِكتَسَت حلَّةَ البَها وَالمَسرّهْ
وَاِزدَهَت بَهجَةً بِتلك المبرّهْ

6. So in its beauty it disdained the planets
And through it the suns of good fortune shone

٦. فَاِزدرت في بَهائها بِالمجرّهْ
وَبِها أَزهرت شُموسُ الحبورِ

7. And in its environs the masses of soldiers
Became organized in rows beneath standards

٧. وَبأرجائِها كُماة الجُنودِ
أَصبَحَت بِالصُفوف تَحتَ البُنودِ

8. So that the hearts of the envious
Became distressed by severe affliction and trials

٨. في اِنتِظام غدا فؤادُ الحَسودِ
مِنهُ في شدّة العَنا وَالثبورِ

9. And the tongues of the citadels at that time congratulated
The soul of these regions, though they wished

٩. وَلِسانُ القِلاع في الحال هنَّى
نَفسَ تِلكَ البقاع لكن تَمنَّى

10. O happiest of creation, it was filled with meaning
Through your nearness throughout the ages

١٠. يا سَعيد الوَرى حَشاها المَعنَّى
مِنكَ قُرباً عَلى ممرّ الدهور

11. And out of its eagerness for the galloping of steeds
On the day of its celebration of the birth feast

١١. وَهِيَ مِن شَوقِها لرَكضِ الجِيادِ
يَوم تَشريفها بِعيد الولادِ

12. It hopes for a return before the appointed time
Yearning for you, O greatest of hearts

١٢. تَرتَجي أَن يَعود قَبل المَعادِ
رَغبةً فيكَ يا أَجلّ الصُدورِ

13. So answer its request and meet
Its presentation, O beloved of Egypt's lands

١٣. فَأَجب سؤلَها وَقابل ببشرِ
عرضَها يا عَزيزَ أَقطارِ مصرِ

14. And allow it, in the best of ages, to be well
Through you, exalted above all eras

١٤. وَلها اسمح بِالأَمر في خَير عَصرِ
بِكَ يَسمو عَلى جَميع العُصورِ

15. And to enjoy the garden of an august kingdom
With a strong, supported cub

١٥. وَتنعم بِروض ملكٍ جَليلِ
مَع شبل مؤيَّدٍ وَأَصيلِ

16. Who has no equal in his intelligence
Among his associates, protectors of frontiers

١٦. ما لَهُ في ذَكائِهِ مِن مَثيلِ
بَينَ أَخدانه حماةِ الثغورِ

17. And remain with it in an empowered state
Striving to improve the condition of the populace

١٧. وَابقَ معْهُ في دَولة داوريّهْ
ساعياً في صلاح حال الرَعيهْ

18. Victorious in praise among humankind
Attaining fortune in all matters

١٨. فائِزاً بِالثناء بَين البَريهْ
وافيَ الحظ في جَميع الأُمورِ