1. Time's kindness and the trustworthy one brought glad tidings,
Expressing what was in his conscience with magic.
١. صَفا الوَقت وَالممنون باحَ بسّرهِ
وَأَعرب عَما في الضَمير بسحرهِ
2. And the sun of Ali shone, unique in his time,
It rose upon us in Egypt, and the light of its full moon grew stronger.
٢. وَشَمس عَليٍّ أَوحد العَصر أَشرَقَت
عَلَينا بِمصرٍ وَاِزدَهى نُور بَدره
3. So it scared away the injustice with its sharp sword,
Of justice and fairness in the land of Egypt.
٣. فَطيّر هام الجَور مِنهُ بِصارمٍ
مِن العَدل وَالإِنصاف في أَرض مصره
4. God aids him from the breast of a forbearing supporter,
With the truth from the Lord of mankind is his victory.
٤. لَهُ اللَه مِن صَدر حَليم مؤيد
مِن الحَق رَب العالمين بِنصره
5. And his love is only as it is right and obligatory,
Upon people wherever all have succeeded through his righteousness.
٥. وَما حُبه إِلّا كَما صح واجبٌ
عَلى الناس حَيث الكُل فاز ببره
6. If the souls of humankind were to come tomorrow,
With the rule of the bearer of good news hastening with his announcements,
٦. أَما إِن أَرواح البَرية لَو غَدَت
بِحُكم بَشير جاءَ يَسعى بِبِشره
7. It would not actually become, in what he has been granted
Of fortune, except less than a tenth of its tenth.
٧. لَما صارَ بِالتَحقيق فيما حَبا به
مِن الحَظ إِلّا دُون مِعشار عُشره
8. The fasting month has come with what makes it easy upon us,
To stand up giving thanks.
٨. أَما إِن شَهراً لِلصِيام أَتى بِما
يَسرّ عَلَينا أَن نَقوم بِشُكره
9. And how could it not, when prosperity has arrived,
Accompanied by splendor, adorned with the lights of its flowers.
٩. وَكَيفَ وَبِالإِقبال وافى وَبِالهَنا
مَع السَعد مَقروناً بِأَنوار زُهره
10. Time, if it brandished its sword,
Would recoil, and his cunning ropes would not avail.
١٠. أَما إِن هَذا الدَهر لَو سَلّ سَيفَه
لَردّ وَما أَغنَت حَبائل مكره
11. You are valiant, undaunted, and a master
Of tomorrow, the best to hope for, generous with his righteousness.
١١. أَما أَنتَ شَهمٌ لا ترام وَسيد
غَدا خَير مَسؤول يَجود بِتبره
12. You are a fortress for knowledge, if ignorance prevailed against it,
In the party of betrayal on the day of its treachery.
١٢. أَما أَنتَ حصنٌ لِلمَعارف إِن سَطا
عَلَيها وصالَ الجَهلُ في حزب غَدره
13. O palm tree of glorious majesty,
O you of judicious opinion in your time.
١٣. فَيا دَوحة المَجد المؤثَّل وَالنَدى
وَيا صاحب الرَأي السَديد بِعصره
14. O mine of kindness, forbearance and intelligence,
O you whom the vicissitudes of fate follow your command.
١٤. وَيا مَعدَن المَعروف وَالحلم وَالذَكا
وَيا مَن صُروف الدَهر تَجري بِأَمره
15. O constant spreader of ease and security,
Upon the apprehensive prisoner in the jail of hardship.
١٥. وَيا ناشراً لِليُسر وَالأَمن دائِماً
عَلى الخائف المَحصور في سجن عسره
16. O resolute in opinion, you built your glory,
Despite those who opposed you on the day of their hatred.
١٦. وَيا حازمِاً بِالرَأي شَيّد مَجده
عَلى رَغم مَن عاداه في يَوم كرّه
17. Will your servants turn back disappointed, O treasure of humankind,
Or will they fear the accidents of fate?
١٧. أَيرتدّ يا ذخر البَرية خائِباً
عُبيدُك أَو يَخشى حَوادثَ دَهره
18. You are the vizier of manliness, victoriously supporting,
With wisdom, from whose stream justice overflows.
١٨. وَأَنتَ وَزير للمروءة ناصر
بِحَزم يَفيض العَدل مِن ماء نَهره
19. You are to us the one with the sharp sword, with which
You assault the armies of delusion altogether.
١٩. وَأَنتَ لَدَينا ذُو الفَقار الَّذي بِهِ
تَصول عَلى جُند الغُرور بِأَسره
20. Whoever seeks refuge in the tumultuous sea, hoping
To gain its most precious pearls from it as their portion.
٢٠. وَمَن لاذَ بِالبَحر الخضّم مؤملاً
نَوالاً حَظي مِنهُ بِأَنفَس دُرّه
21. Through it hardship disappears immediately, and troubles,
And the carpet of difficulty is folded up after being spread.
٢١. وَعَنهُ يَزول الضَيم في الحال وَالعَنا
وَيُطوَى بِساط العُسر مِن بَعد نَشره
22. And if any aggressor intends evil against it, your resolve defeats him
In honorable combat and its sea.
٢٢. وَإِن رامَهُ بِالسُوء باغٍ هزمته
بَعزمك في بَرِّ النزال وَبَحره
23. With your resolve, O pillar of sciences and their enclosure,
Your boy takes on every peril with his chest,
٢٣. بِعزمك يا رُكن العُلوم وَسُورَها
غلامُك يَلقى كُلَّ خطب بصدره
24. And plunges into terrors in every hardship,
With a lofty heart, serene in its victory.
٢٤. وَيَقتحم الأَهوال في كُل شدة
بِقَلب همام مطمئنٍ بظفره
25. You deserve praise and eulogies,
And the like of you, the time was improved by the mention of him.
٢٥. وَأَنتَ جَدير بِالمَحامد وَالثَنا
وَمثلُك مَن طابَ الزَمان بذكره
26. You are the one hoped for happiness and comfort,
And protecting the people from a painful end.
٢٦. وَأَنتَ المرجَّى لِلسَعادة وَالرَخا
وَحفظ الأَهالي مِن ملمٍّ بشره
27. So you have not ceased, O cave of grants, to be successful
Towards goodness, as long as night conceals itself with its dawn.
٢٧. فَلا زلت يا كَهف الهبات مُوَفَّقاً
إِلى الخَير ما لَيلٌ تَوارى بِفَجره
28. And the army of prosperity has not stopped serving
A breast that rose above the highest of the high in its pride.
٢٨. وَلا زالَ جَيش السَعد في مَصر خادِماً
لصدرٍ سَما فَوق السماك بفخره
29. And one who praises has not stopped adorning your essence
With every eloquent speech from the quintessence of his poetry.
٢٩. وَلا اِنفَكَّ عَن إِتحاف ذاتك مادحٌ
بِكُل بَديع مِن خُلاصة شعره