1. O noble hero, they ask me,
"For you, in the gardens of eternity, is the highest abode,
١. يا أَيُّها الشَهم الهمام القولَلي
لَكَ في جِنان الخُلد أَعلى مَنزلِ
2. And the maidens have said, since you came to their dwellings,
"Welcome, welcome, O beloved who comes,"
٢. وَالحور قالَت مُذ حللتَ بِدارها
أَهلاً وَسَهلاً بِالحَبيب المُقبل
3. And the state of attaining cries out, chronicling,
"Good tidings to you, O Ali, paradise is yours, unfurled."
٣. وَلِسان حال الفَوز قالَ مؤرخاً
بشرى لَكَ الفَردوس طرّاً يا عَلي