
My ingenuity in praising you is most eloquent

حسن اختراعي في جنابك أظرف

1. My ingenuity in praising you is most eloquent
And you know me best in eulogizing your essence

١. حسن اِختَراعي في جَنابك أَظرَفُ
وَلَأَنتَ بي في مَدح ذاتك أَعرفُ

2. O hero, veteran of battles and strife
With you, steadfastness and harmony prevail

٢. يا أَيُّها البَطَل المُجاهد في الوَغى
بِكَ لِلثَبات تَأنُّسٌ وَتَألُّف

3. The army under your banner, wherever it went
Victory through you in every valley is known

٣. وَالجَيش تَحتَ لِواك أَين سَعى لَهُ
في كُل واد نصرةٌ بِكَ تُعرَف

4. When you charge the enemies, they are struck
By your sharpened wrath, beyond description

٤. فَإِذا حَملت عَلى الخُصوم أَصابَهُم
مِن عَضبك المَصقول ما لا يُوصف

5. The lion hides some of his ferocity
Feigning affection, though it is pretense

٥. وَاللَيث يَستر بَعضه مِن رَوعه
وَيَلوح مِنهُ الودّ وَهوَ تكلُّف

6. With your wise strategy in offense and battle
The troops are safe, and the enemies cower in fear

٦. وَبحزم رَأيك في الهُجوم وَفي اللقا
أَمِنَ العَساكرُ وَالعِداة تَخوّفوا

7. Woe, then woe, to those who transgressed
And deviated from the straight path

٧. وَالوَيل ثُمَ الوَيل مِنكَ لِمَن بَغوا
وَعَن الصِراط المُستَقيم تَحرّفوا

8. For them is disgrace if they stand fast, and if
They flee, ruin creeps up behind them

٨. فَلَهُم عَذاب الهون إِن ثَبَتوا وَإِن
هزموا فخلفهمُ كماةٌ تَزحف

9. Cairo prides itself on the noblest birth
Under its sky the star of fortune shines

٩. وَكَريدٌ اِفتَخرت بِأَكرَم مَولد
بِسَمائه نجم السَعادة مُشرف

10. And Egypt's share is bountiful in your service
By which its darkness is illuminated

١٠. وَلمصر حَظ وافر بخدامة
مِنكَ اِستَنار بِها ظَلام مرجف

11. And for its troops, with you, the mighty one
Victory and triumph are constant and assured

١١. وَلجندها بِكَ وَهوَ صاحب سَطوة
فَتح وَنَصر دائم وَتصرُّف

12. While for those who bare steel in battle, death comes
And the cavalry's onslaught is piercing and swift

١٢. وَلِمَن تجرّد بِالنِزال مَنية
تَأتي وَحدّ المشرفية مُرهف

13. And for those whom you shielded from all harm
Though an unjust fate befell them

١٣. وَلِمَن عَرفت مِن الأَنام وقاية
مِن كُل شَر ساقَه متعسف

14. And those whom you saved from calamities
Wherein heroes rush to glorious death

١٤. وَلِمَن أَجرت مِن الخطوب حِماية
وَالقَتل فيهِ أَخو البَسالة مسرف

15. How many arenas, too narrow for the lion of battle
Were you in for long, standing your ground

١٥. وَلَكَم مَيادين عَلى أُسدِ الشَرى
ضاقَت وَمنكَ عَلَيهِ طالَ المَوقف

16. And how many treacherous cowards, struck by the flames of your might
Broke every pledge and covenant

١٦. وَلَكَم رَمى بِشهاب بَأسك غادرٌ
لِلوَعد في كُل المَعاهد مخلف

17. And how many valiant heroes, when gripped
By your might, remained unyielding and steadfast

١٧. وَلَكم كَميّ باسل ذي نَجدة
ما ردّ بطشَك عَنهُ خلٌّ مسعف

18. And how many captives, when you had seized them
Then released, said "he is just"

١٨. وَلَكم أَسير قال حينَ مَلكته
وَسَمحت بِالإِطلاق هَذا منصف

19. And after defeating the enemies, you pardoned
Their families, being generous and noble

١٩. وَرضيت بَعدَ الانتصار عَلى العِدا
وَعَن العيال عَفَوت وَهوَ تعفف

20. Praising you is truth and nature
While with others it is pretense and hypocrisy

٢٠. وَالمَدح فيكَ حَقيقة وَطَبيعة
وَلَدى سِواك تَصنُّعٌ وَتكلف

21. So accept this orphaned thought I have uttered
To you, from my heart, though inadequate

٢١. فَاقبل يَتيمة فكرة نطقت بِها
لَكَ في الثَناء مِن الضَمير الأَحرف

22. And permit your servant to accept praise
For it is my wish, and I shall not refrain

٢٢. وَأَجز فتاك عَلى المَديح قبوله
فَهُوَ المرام وَعَنهُ لا أَتخلف

23. With your rank, O eminent one, I have been honored
And taken to the heights, while enviers are enraged

٢٣. وَبرتبة بِكَ يا فَريق تَشرفت
وَسَمَت تَهنأ فَالحَسود معنف

24. Never did the sun of high office shine on one
As wise and forbearing as you, it is said

٢٤. ما أَشرقت شَمس المَناصب بامرئٍ
مِن دُونه في الحلم يذكر أَحنف

25. Nor did the annals of glory speak of any
Other than Mustafa, most noble commander

٢٥. أَو ما غَدا مَجدي يَقول مؤرّخاً
ما مصطفى إِلا فَريق أَشرَف