
Say to the counselor, minister of Turks and Arabs

قل للمشير وزير الترك والعرب

1. Say to the counselor, minister of Turks and Arabs
Friend of the state of Ismail, best of fathers

١. قُل لِلمشير وَزير التُركِ وَالعَرَبِ
صَديق دَولة إسماعيل خَير أَبِ

2. O son of the prophet, and the one who in his time made
Egypt attain, with his wisdom, what he hopes from the Arabs

٢. يا اِبن النَبيّ وَمَن في عَصرِهِ بَلَغَت
بِحَزمه مَصرُ ما تَرجو مِن الأَرَب

3. I do not expect you to fulfill what you promised
With your excellency of generosity and ranks

٣. لا أَرتجيك لإنجاز الَّذي وَعدت
بِهِ مَعاليك مِن بَذلٍ وَمِن رُتب

4. For you are a downpour, and it is the habit of downpours
To come and water without promise or request

٤. فَأَنتَ غَيثٌ وَإِن الغَيث عادته
يَأتي فَيَروي بَلا وَعد وَلا طَلَب

5. The eye of justice has not been sleeping from you
Even though the profession of literature has reached me

٥. وَلَم تَكُن مِنكَ عَين العَدل نائِمَةً
عَني وَإِن أَدرَكتني حرفةُ الأَدب