
Your arrival from the abode of bliss with good tidings

قدومك من دار السعادة بالبشرى

1. Your arrival from the abode of bliss with good tidings
With it your Egypt increased in gratitude

١. قُدومك مِن دار السَعادة بِالبُشرى
بِهِ مصرك اِزدادت عَلى شُكرِها شُكرا

2. And your return to it victoriously distinguished
Adorned it with this era in its greenest attire

٢. وَعَودُك فيها ظافِراً بامتيازها
كَساها بِهَذا العَهد حلتَها الخَضرا

3. And crowned it with a crown of reverence
With which it attains glory in every kingdom

٣. وَتوّجها مِنهُ بِتاج مَهابة
تَنال بِها في كُل مملكة فَخرا

4. And in the ascendant star it regained its awe
Enduring throughout the world for your glorious state

٤. وَفي طالع السَعد استردّت مَهابة
تَدوم مَدى الدُنيا لِدَولتك الغَرّا

5. And its armies on land and sea have grown
And attained, as it desired, with its might victory

٥. وَأَجنادها في البَر وَالبَحر قَد نَمَت
وَنالَت كَما رامَت بِصَولَتِها نَصرا

6. And destroyed those who claimed
That Mars aided them in their hatred

٦. وَأَودَت بِمَن قَد كانَ يَزعم أَنَّهُ
يَشدّ لَهُ المريخ في كرّه ظَهرا

7. And in your family the skilled hunters were settled
The inheritance of immortalizing its prominence

٧. وَفي آلك الصَيد الكماة تَقررت
وَراثةُ تَخليد رفعت لَها ذِكرا

8. And you paved for Islam five foundations
Upon it, we constructed with permanence

٨. وَمَهَدَت للإسلام خَمسَ قَواعد
عَلَيها بِنا الإحكام قَد قاوَم الدَهرا

9. And erected in every land for the youth
Fortresses in which the lions stalk the eagles

٩. وَشَيدت للأنجال في كُل بُقعة
حُصوناً بِها الآساد تقتنص النسرا

10. And you came while in your right hand for truth a sharpener
That aids the sultan in his kingdom

١٠. وَجئت وَفي يمناك لِلحَق مرهف
يُؤيد للسلطان في مُلكه أَمرا

11. And you granted with success complete blessings
Upon a homeland in which you have the greatest sign

١١. وَأَسبغت بِالتَوفيق كامل نعمة
عَلى وَطن فيهِ لَكَ الآية الكُبرى

12. And how not when you revived its glories
And raised to the peak of pride for it esteem

١٢. وَكَيفَ وَقَد أَحييت مِنهُ رسوسه
وَأَعليت في أَوج الفَخار لَهُ قَدرا

13. And adorned its neck with necklaces
Your praise which became in every assembly precious

١٣. وَحليت مِنهُ جيده بِقَلائد
ثَناكَ غَدا في كُل سَمطٍ لَها درا

14. And you let the Nile water flow through it wisely
Quenching mountain, plain, and ruggedness

١٤. وَأَجريت ماء النيل مِنهُ بحكمة
فَأَروى جِبال الصَخر وَالسَهل وَالوَعرا

15. And from my comfort in you overflowed upon the land
A sea of abundance, every well-being prospered through it

١٥. وَمِن راحَتي علياك فاضَت عَلى الوَرى
بِحارُ نَوال كُلّ عاف بِها أَثرى

16. And you replaced the hardship of the flock with ease
Which you used to cheer in every moment a breast

١٦. وَبَدّلت بِاليسرين عسرَ رَعية
شَرحت بِها في كُل آونة صَدرا

17. And you enlightened its elders and its youth
With brilliant knowledge that shames the sun and moon

١٧. وَمدّنت مِنها كَهلها وَفَطيمها
بِنور عليم يخجل الشَمس وَالبَدرا

18. And you improved through it generous deeds
That portray it as they flow from its springs as a sea

١٨. وَرفّهت مِنها حالَها بِمكارم
حكت وَهيَ تَجري مِن مَنابعها بَحرا

19. And you blessed it with gifts
Before counting, no counter can limit

١٩. وَنعّمت مِنها بالَها بِمَواهب
لَدى العدّ لا يُحصي لَها حاسبٌ حَصرا

20. And here it is since I came to you, adorned
Your cities that smiled to you widely

٢٠. وَها هِيَ مُذ وافيتها لَك زينت
مَدائنك اللاتي لَك اِبتَسمت ثَغرا

21. And welcomed your glorious chronicler
Of your success, Ismail returned to Egypt

٢١. وَحيّاك بِالإِقبال مَجدي مؤرخاً
لِتَوفيقه اِسماعيل عادَ إِلى مِصرا