
Indeed the forbearing Muhammad is from a group

إن الحليم محمدا من معشر

1. Indeed the forbearing Muhammad is from a group
That honored Egypt and increased its glory

١. إِن الحَليم محمداً مِن معشرٍ
شرفت بِهم مصرٌ وزاد علاها

2. He is among them a shining full moon that has appeared
Blossoming with the light of his knowledge and distinction

٢. هُوَ بَينهم بَدر مُنير قَد بَدا
يَزهو بِنُور عُلومه وَسَناها

3. He is a known treasure andKaaba of visitors
He is Egypt’s fortress, honor, and protection

٣. هُوَ كنز مَعروف وَكَعبة وافد
هُوَ حصن مصر وَعزُّها وَحِماها

4. He is a palm tree that has grown and whose branch has leafed
And its shade has expanded and its sky has cleared

٤. هُوَ دَوحة مُدَّت وَأَورقَ غُصنُها
وَظِلالُها عَمَّت وَطابَ سَماها