
The year began with good tidings for the virtuous imam

بدا العام بالبشرى لخير إمام

1. The year began with good tidings for the virtuous imam
His merits are countless for every imam

١. بَدا العام بِالبُشرى لِخَير إِمامِ
مَزاياه لا تُحصى بِكُل إِمامِ

2. Its horoscope in it is fortunate and its Egypt
Is inclined towards him and attains its purpose

٢. فَطالعه فيهِ سَعيدٌ وَمصرُه
لَها مِنهُ إِقبالٌ وَنيل مَرام

3. And its children's gratitude has not ceased to increase
For his benevolence whether traveling or residing

٣. وَشكرُ بَنيها لَم يَزَل في زِيادة
لآلائه في رحلة وَمَقام

4. And the one taking refuge in it, its supremacy allows him what he wants
And what he desired of security and keeping the pact

٤. وَللملتجي فيها لعلياه ما يَشا
وَما شاءَ مِن أَمنٍ وَحفظ ذمام

5. And its glorious state in it was established
On justice and adorned with excellent system

٥. وَدَولته الغَراء فيها تَأسست
عَلى العَدل وَاِزدانَت بِحُسن نِظام

6. And he supported it with resolve and enthusiasm
And total determination in the sublime attitudes

٦. وَأَيدها مِنهُ بِحَزم وَهمة
وَعَزم كميّ في المَواقف سامي

7. And severe valor in struggle and assault
Against every stubborn and hostile tyrant

٧. وَبَأس شَديد في النِضال وَصَولة
عَلى كُل جَبار لَديد خصام

8. And an allied army, steadfast and tested
If it deploys it destroys every protector

٨. وَجَيش حَليفٍ للثَبات مجربٍ
إِذا ما سَطا أَودى بِكُلِّ همام

9. White and brown like fate and cannons
That annihilate enemies from afar when taking aim

٩. وَبيض وَسُمر كَالقَضا وَمَدافع
تُبيد الأَعادي مِن بَعيد مَرامي

10. And downpour of bounty from a generous sky
Upon the lands where desert gazelles roam

١٠. وَغَيث نَوالٍ مِن سَماء سَماحةٍ
عَلى أَرض راحات البرية هامي

11. So it never ceased throughout its lands for its entire time
To defend the righteous religion and kingdom

١١. فلا زالَ في أَوطانه طُولَ دَهرِه
عَن الملك وَالدين القَويم يحامي

12. And may it last for us along with its cub
As long as years succeeded and cycles reached completeness

١٢. وَدام لَنا مَع شبله ما تَعاقبت
سُنونَ وَما لاحَت بدورُ تَمام

13. And what Majdi the chronicler said this year
Of the Khedive's victory, is it not a blessed year?

١٣. وَما قالَ في ذا الحَول مَجدي مؤرِّخاً
لِنصر الخديوي هلّ أَيمنُ عام