
Spreading the banners of guidance with his inspiration

وناشر أعلام اليراع بنثره

1. Spreading the banners of guidance with his inspiration
To aid the oppressed and support the monotheist

١. وَناشر أَعلام اليَراع بِنَثره
لإسعاف مَظلوم وَنَصر مُوَحِّدِ

2. Think not that I have inclined to another faith when
I went to the ancient consecrated house

٢. فَلا تَحسبنّي ملت لِلغَير عِندَما
سريت إِلى البَيت العَتيق المشيّدِ

3. Rather I decided that I have not ceased
Roaming the valleys confused

٣. وَلَكنني آليت أنِّيَ لَم أَزَل
أَهيم عَلى وَجهي بِوادٍ وَفدفد

4. Until I see your light shining in Egypt
In the council of the Almighty so I find guidance

٤. إِلى أَن أَرى في مَصر نُورك ساطِعاً
بِمجلس أَحكام العَزيز فَأَهتَدي