1. Spreading the banners of guidance with his inspiration
To aid the oppressed and support the monotheist
١. وَناشر أَعلام اليَراع بِنَثره
لإسعاف مَظلوم وَنَصر مُوَحِّدِ
2. Think not that I have inclined to another faith when
I went to the ancient consecrated house
٢. فَلا تَحسبنّي ملت لِلغَير عِندَما
سريت إِلى البَيت العَتيق المشيّدِ
3. Rather I decided that I have not ceased
Roaming the valleys confused
٣. وَلَكنني آليت أنِّيَ لَم أَزَل
أَهيم عَلى وَجهي بِوادٍ وَفدفد
4. Until I see your light shining in Egypt
In the council of the Almighty so I find guidance
٤. إِلى أَن أَرى في مَصر نُورك ساطِعاً
بِمجلس أَحكام العَزيز فَأَهتَدي