
The boundless sky of the simple has come near,

فلك الأثير من البسيطة قد دنا

1. The boundless sky of the simple has come near,
And with the design of a palace in the meadows it was formed.

١. فَلَكُ الأَثير مِن البَسيطة قَد دَنا
وَبرسم قصر في الرِياض تكوّنا

2. In it Muhammad appeared to the beholders
As a full moon with his rising existence adorned.

٢. وَبِهِ بَدا للناظرين محمدٌ
بَدراً بطلعته الوجود تزيَّنا

3. And glory, when it saw him, said in recording
The prince Muhammad built the house of splendor.

٣. وَالمَجد حينَ رآه قال مؤرخاً
أَنشا الأَمير محمد بيت السَنا