
The dawn has revealed the healing of knowledge,

أسفر الصبح عن شفاء العلوم

1. The dawn has revealed the healing of knowledge,
And the sickness has cleared from the sky of understanding.

١. أَسفر الصُبح عَن شِفاء العُلومِ
وَاِنجَلى السقمُ عَن سَماء الفهومِ

2. Hussein in wellness revived the lands,
For he is the soul and life of the bodies.

٢. وَحسين بِالبرء أَحيا البَرايا
إذ هو الرُوح وَالحَشا للجسوم

3. He is the king of glory and sublime traits,
From his father and grandfather since old.

٣. وَهوَ لِلمَجد وَالمَعالي مَليكٌ
عَن أَبيه وَجدّه مِن قَديم

4. None can match him, O my friend,
In creation among people, generous.

٤. ما يُجاريه يا خَليلي مجارٍ
في خلاق بَينَ الأَنام كَريم

5. Who can equal him in knowledge and merit,
In arts and in upright words?

٥. مَن يُضاهيه في عُلومٍ وَفضلٍ
وَفُنون وَفي مَقال قَويم

6. He is the treasure of loyalty and the cave of gifts,
And friend of dew and reviver of customs.

٦. وَهوَ كنز الوَفا وَكَهف العَطايا
وَسَمير الندى وَمحيي الرُسوم

7. And ally of intellect and lord of meanings
And buildings, with no equal.

٧. وَحَليف الذَكا وَرَب المَعاني
وَالمَباني وَما لَهُ مِن قَسيم

8. My prince, through you buildings have wandered
And taken pride in sound opinion and peace.

٨. يا أَميري بِكَ العِمارات تاهَت
وَتَباهَت بِحُسن رَأي سَليم

9. Adorned with beauty and perfection,
Appearing in fine, soft garment.

٩. وَتَحلت بِزينة وَكَمال
وَتَجلت في ثَوب ظَبي وَريم

10. The darkness of the unknown cleared through
The radiance of your unique, wise mind.

١٠. وَاِنجَلَت ظُلمة الغَياهب عَنها
بِسَنا عَقلك الفَريد الفَهيم

11. Its misfortunes concealed and it rose
In the sky of good fortune, flowers of stars.

١١. وَتَوارَت نُحوسها وَتَعالَت
في سَماء السُعود زُهر النُجوم

12. The Almighty was sufficient to protect it
From ignorant, treacherous fools.

١٢. وَكَفاها لَكَ المُهيمن لُطفاً
مِن جَهول مُخادع وَلَئيم

13. So rejoice in health, joy,
And praise like a necklace of pearls.

١٣. فتهنأ بِصحة وَسُرور
وَمَديح كَعقد درّ نَظيم

14. And accept from me, of beautiful merit for you,
Seeking subtly like a breeze.

١٤. وَتقبل مني بَديعة حسن
لَكَ تَسعى بِرقة كَالنَسيم

15. Its gift from you, my prince, is my acceptance,
It is enough, my paradise and bliss.

١٥. مهرها مِنكَ يا أَمير قبولي
فَهوَ حَسبي وَجَنتي وَنَعيمي