
The vicissitudes of this time have opposed me,

عاندتني صروف هذا الزمان

1. The vicissitudes of this time have opposed me,
Oh my people, and caused me great humiliation.

١. عانَدتني صُروفُ هَذا الزَمانِ
يا لَقَومي وَبالغت في هَواني

2. Why are they always bent on killing me?
Have they seen me as an expert spearman?

٢. ما لَها دائِماً تهمُّ بِقَتلي
هَل رَأَتني مجرّباً في طعان

3. Ward them off from me, O protector, for my body
Cannot withstand the vicissitudes of time.

٣. رُدَّها يا همام عَنّي فَجسمي
لَيسَ يَقوى عَلى صُروف الزَمان

4. I and my grandfather cannot face them,
For in their war my stallion is like a mosquito.

٤. أَنا وَجدي لا أَستَطيع لقاها
حَيث في حربها كبابي حصاني

5. So be gentle with my condition and show compassion,
And confront them with sword and spear.

٥. فَتلطّف بِحالَتي وَتَعطّف
وَاعتَرَضها بِصارم وَسنان

6. Their fire will be extinguished by your flood of determination,
Stronger than the glance that seduces the lovesick.

٦. نارُها تَنطفي بِطوفان عَزم
مِنكَ أَمضى مِن سَيف لَحظ الغَواني

7. Beat the drums of joy in the throne room
When you come seeking it in the festival.

٧. دُقَّ طبلُ السُرور في التَخت لَمّا
جئت تَسعى إِلَيهِ في مَهرَجان

8. O my prince, you remain the best supporter
For one broken by events and suffering.

٨. يا أَميري لا زلت خَيرَ نَصيرٍ
لكسيرٌ للحادثات يُعاني

9. When you deliberately drew away from him,
Each intimate turned distant and estranged.

٩. فرّ عنه لَما تَناءيت عَمداً
كُلٌّ إِلف مُقاربٌ وَمُداني

10. Does he have any intercessor with you
Other than your lofty and eminent position?

١٠. هَل لَهُ شافع إِلَيك مِن الدَه
ر سِوى جاهك الرَفيع المَكان

11. You do not care if you pardon a people
Who unleashed in harm the horses of gambling.

١١. ما يُبالي إِذا عَفَوت بِقَومٍ
أَطلَقوا في أذاه خَيل الرِهان

12. O you whose protection has endowed you with forbearance,
Live happily in honor and safety!

١٢. يا رَعاك الَّذي حَباك بِحلم
عش سَعيداً في عزة وَأَمان