
The healing of the chest is the best religion, a new dawn for knowledge and virtues,

شفاء الصدر خير الدين نشر

1. The healing of the chest is the best religion, a new dawn for knowledge and virtues,
And the health of his body a mighty victory, and joy for kings and citizens alike.

١. شِفاء الصَدر خَيرُ الدين نَشرٌ
جَديدٌ لِلمَعارف وَالمَعالي

2. And behold Tunis the splendid has triumphed, on the morrow of his recovery, with the purity of nights,
And all people since his recovery have persisted, in thanking the Almighty, the Majestic.

٢. وَصحة جسمه نَصر عَزيز
وَسَعد لِلمُلوك وَلِلأَهالي

3. And my master and the fortunate one in Egypt stood, before their Lord in supplication,
And indeed both were answered in prayer, with sincerity for the acceptable request,

٣. وَها هِيَ تُونسُ الغَرّاء فازَت
غَداة شِفائه بِصَفا اللَيالي

4. And they attained thereby the cure from Him, the Exalted, what was wished for by the loyalists,
And the illness vanished from him to the despised, evil in nature, damned in deeds.

٤. وَكُلُّ الناس مُذ عوفي تَمادوا
عَلى شُكر المهيمن ذي الجَلال

5. May a Generous Lord prolong his existence, in well-being and bliss of mind,
And provide the subjects through him with justice and care, and revive him for us in good condition,

٥. وَمَجدي وَالسَعيد بِمصر قاما
لربهما عَلى قدم اِبتِهال

6. By the status of Muhammad, best of creations, and his family and companions and house.

٦. وَإِنَّهما أُجيبا في دُعاء
بِإِخلاصٍ لِمَقبول السُؤال

٧. وَنالا عِندَ ذاكَ البرءَ مِنهُ
تَعالى ما تَمناه الموالي

٨. وَزالَ السقمُ عَنهُ إِلى مهينٍ
لَئيمِ الطَبع مَذموم الفعال

٩. أَطالَ بَقاءه رَبٌّ كَريمٌ
بِعافية وَتنعيمٍ لِبال

١٠. وَمتَّع مِنهُ بِالعَدل الرَعايا
وَأَحياه لَنا في حسن حال

١١. بِجاه محمدٍ خَير البَرايا
وَعترتِه وَأَصحابٍ وَآل