
The blessed ruler of Egypt built

بنى عزيز مصره السعيد

1. The blessed ruler of Egypt built
A fortress of knowledge, its walls erected tall

١. بَنى عَزيز مَصره السَعيدُ
للعلم حصناً سوره مشيدُ

2. And aided the nations through civilization
In his time, his vision was sound and true

٢. وَأَيد الأَوطان بِالتمدّن
في عَصره رَأي لَهُ سَديد

3. He trained the armies through education
To fear the tumult of battle, confronting the fierce

٣. وَدَرّب الجُيوش في تَعليمها
عَلى الوَغى فَهابَها الأُسود

4. How often he resolutely girded his loins
To seize what through it glory's obtained

٤. كَم جرّد العَزم بِلا تَوان
إِلى اقتِناصِ ما بهِ تَسود

5. How many languages he diligently pursued
Until from them he took more than he needed

٥. كَم مِن لُغات جدّ في تَحصيلها
فَنالَ منها فَوق ما يُريد

6. How many arts after their obscurity's dispersion
In his reign of servants he attended to

٦. كَم مِن فُنون بَعد طَيّ نَشرِها
بِها اِعتَنى في عَهده العَبيد

7. So what a ruler deserving of gratitude is he
His excellent conduct we ought to thank

٧. فَيا لَهُ مِن مالك مُستوجب
لِلشُكر منا سيرُه الحَميد

8. Is it not among what he urged
To translate, his blessed eminence

٨. أَلَيسَ مِن جُملةِ ما حضَّ عَلى
تَعريبه جَنابُه السَعيد

9. A reminder missive unveiling research
For the army on its journeys useful

٩. تَذكير مُرسل لِكَشف بَحثه
لِلجَيش في أَسفاره مُفيد

10. I say, now that it's printed, date it
The troops live on! Discovery's letter is released!

١٠. أَقول لما تمّ طَبعاً أَرخوا
تَحيا بِكَشف المُرسل الجُنود