1. O summit of glory, you continue to rise
Through ranks of might, prestige, and rule
١. يا سميّ الخَليل لا زلت تَرقى
رُتَب العز وَالبَها وَالسِيادهْ
2. You were born noble, and have now become worthy
Of the lofty station - nay, even beyond
٢. طبت أَصلاً وَقَد غَدَوت جَديراً
بِالمَقام المُنيف بَل وَزِياده
3. Merit itself attests your peerless mind
On which the masters of eloquence agree
٣. شهد الفَضل أَن عَقلك فَرد
وَعَلَيها إِجماع أَهل الإِجاده
4. Their consensus is sound - whoever among us dissents
Is like an apostate after professing faith
٤. صَح إِجماعهم فمن حاد منا
كانَ مثل المرتد بَعد الشَهاده
5. What a rank you take pride in since
You became a servant, though you wield leadership
٥. يا لَهُ منصباً تَفاخر لَما
صارَ عَبداً وَقَد مَلَكت قِياده
6. How many a glorious one you perfect in glory
By raising him up and granting what he sought
٦. كَم بِهِ ماجد تَكمّل مَجداً
إِذ رَقاه وَنال مِنهُ مراده
7. You ennobled him, though before this time
He hoped you would be his pillar
٧. أَنتَ شرّفته وَقَد كانَ يَرجو
قَبل ذا الوَقت أَن تَكون عِماده
8. God's mercy, you are not disgraced
By the heights, which now come obedient
٨. رَأفة اللَه أَنتَ لَستَ تُهَنّا
بِالمَعالي وَقَد أَتَت منقاده
9. Rather, the heights are disgraced by you, and refuse
Anything but fulfilling what you desired
٩. بَل تُهَنّا بَكَ المَعالي وَيَأبى ال
لَهُ إِلّا إتمامَ ما قَد أَراده
10. Would that I excel in praise, so that
I may adorn myself in praising the Lord of joy
١٠. لَيتَني أُحسنُ المَدائح حَتّى
أَتَحلَّى بِمَدح رَب السَعاده