
From one who praises the star of prosperity that shone

من حامد كوكب الإقبال قد لمعا

1. From one who praises the star of prosperity that shone
And its light illuminated the land in Egypt

١. من حامد كَوكب الإقبال قَد لَمَعا
وَنُوره لِلوَرى في مَصر قَد سَطَعا

2. Shaban gained more nobility through his birth
On the sixteenth as he had heard

٢. وَازداد شَعبان تشريفاً بِمولده
في سادس بَعد عشر حسبما سَمِعا

3. And a breeze describes his noble traits
And his integrity and morals he excelled

٣. وَجاءَ يَحكي نسيماً في شَمائله
وَفي الملاحة وَالأَخلاق قَد بَرَعا

4. And glory ordained his time of fortune
Muhammad the best full moon rose

٤. وَالمَجد لَما بَدا في السَعد أَرخه
مَحمد خير بَدر ناجح طلعا