1. In Egypt lives the happiest of ages
With the order of his armies, and for him
١. في مَصر سَعيدُ العَصر لَهُ
بِنظامِ عَساكره وَلَهُ
2. God has truly sent him
With encompassing justice and bounty
٢. وَاللَه لَها قَد أَرسلَهُ
بِالعَدل الشامل وَالنعمِ
3. O Egypt yours is everlasting bliss
With the ruler, scion of the lion
٣. يا مَصر لَكِ السَعد الأَبدي
بِالداورِ ذا شبلِ الأَسَدِ
4. King of all lands, my succoring brother
Lord of kindness, endowed with generosity
٤. ملك الأَقطار أَخي المَددِ
رَب الإِحسان مَع الكَرَمِ
5. O Egypt, yours is the greatest fortune
With a king like a towering lion
٥. يا مَصرُ لَكَ الحَظ الأَوفرْ
بِمَليك كَاللَيث القسورْ
6. In war, his sword is relentless
Feared by tyrants of nations
٦. في الحَرب لَهُ سَيف أَبتَرْ
تَخشاه جَبابرةُ الأُممِ
7. Blessed is he born to his father
Treasure of increasing favor
٧. نَعم المولود مَع الوالدْ
كنز الإنعام المتُزايدْ
8. An overflowing sea on the visitor
Doing good, protector of resolves
٨. بحر قَد فاضَ عَلى الوافدْ
برّ المَعروف أَبو الهِمَمِ
9. For bliss is his passion in his reign
And glory is his noble merit
٩. لِلسَعد بِدَولته شَغفُ
وَالمَجد لَهُ مِنهُ شَرَفُ
10. His opponent admits to him
Of wise opinion and determination
١٠. وَالخَصم لَديهِ معترفُ
بِالرَأي الصائب وَالشممِ
11. The soldiers with their lofty zeal
Hunt the lion with their might
١١. وَالجُند بعالي همتهِ
يَقتنص الأَسدَ بِصَولتهِ
12. And lead the captive with their force
Against the hostile transgressor
١٢. وَيَسوق الحَتف بِشدتهِ
لعدوّ باغٍ مجترمِ
13. O Egypt yours are auspicious tidings
With King Sa'eed above mankind
١٣. يا مَصر لَك الخَير اِفتَخري
بِسَعيد الملك عَلى البَشَرِ
14. Win his approval and wait
For the kindness of his noble breast
١٤. فوزي برضاه وَاِنتَظِري
إِحسانَ الصَدر المحتشمِ
15. Your laws are firmly established
And your pillars raised with splendor
١٥. رَسخت أَحكامك كَالراسي
وَعلت أَركانك بالباسِ
16. Your times arranged for the people
With wise and brilliant governance
١٦. وَصفت أَوقاتك لِلناسِ
في حُكمٍ زاهٍ مُنتَظمِ
17. O best of hearts that came to pass
O noblest ally of utmost loyalty
١٧. يا أَفضل صَدر قد وافى
وَأَجلّ نَصير قَد صافى
18. You still observe with fairness
And ward harm from the sanctum
١٨. لا زلت تُراقب إنصافا
وَتصدّ الضدّ عَن الحَرمِ
19. You go and come with joy
While your enemy ends in ruin
١٩. وَتروح وَتَغدو بِالفَرحِ
وَعدوّك يُمسي في التَرحِ
20. And you live with an eased breast
In an army with fluttering banners
٢٠. وَتَعيش بصدر مُنشرحِ
في العَسكر مَنشورَ العلمِ