1. O physician of the royal politics,
And its remedy from every stubborn illness,
١. يا طَبيب السِياسة المملكيَّهْ
وَدواها مِن كل داء عُضالِ
2. And the pillar of the Yusufi leadership,
With righteousness adorned with celebration,
٢. وَقوام الرِياسة اليوسفيهْ
بِسَدادٍ مرشَّحٍ باحتفال
3. O Abu Mustafa and O son of the Messenger of God,
To whom belongs glory, sublimity and majesty,
٣. يا أَبا مصطفى وَيا اِبن رَسول ال
لَه ذي المَجد وَالعُلا وَالجَلال
4. From you I hope for the fulfillment of a generous promise,
Inclusive in its loyalty to supporters,
٤. مِنكَ أَرجو نجاز وَعد كَريم
شامل في وفائه لِلمَوالي
5. Which is payment for seven months,
With two or three nights,
٥. وَهوَ صَرفٌ لسبعة مِن شهور
مَع يَومين أَو ثلاث لَيال
6. And relief from arrows that have struck
My forehead with their harshness like arrows,
٦. وَالمعافاة مِن سِهام أَصابَت
مُهجَتي مِن قسيِّها كَالنبال
7. And my hardship during the period of isolation led
To what harmed me along with my dependents,
٧. وَاضطراري في مدّة العَزل أَودى
بي إِلى ما أَضرّني مَع عيالي
8. So lighten my stumbling for I am a servant
Whose gratitude increases in any state,
٨. فَأَقل عَثرَتي فَإِنيَ عَبدٌ
لَكَ شُكري يَزداد في أَيّ حال
9. May God increase you in might and acceptance,
And distinction over all men,
٩. زادَكَ اللَه عزةً وَقبولاً
وَاِمتيازاً عَلى جَميع الرِجال
10. He who is always adorned with my praise of you
Among people, the best of the lofty.
١٠. ما تَحلَّى عَلى الدَوام بِمَدحي
فيكَ بَينَ الأَنام جيدُ المَعالي