
This is the tomb of Naqshbandi who

هذا ضريح النقشبندي الذي

1. This is the tomb of Naqshbandi who
Was unique in piety among mankind

١. هَذا ضَريح النَقشبندي الَّذي
هُوَ في التُقى بَينَ البَرية أَوحَدُ

2. He who inherited generosity and sublimity
From the one to whom all excellence is attributed

٢. وَهُوَ الَّذي وَرث السَماحة وَالعُلا
عَمَّن إِلَيهِ كُل فَضلٍ يُسنَد

3. His soul longed for the gardens of Eden
So he strove towards his Lord in oneness

٣. تاقت إِلى جَنات عَدنٍ نَفسه
فَسَعى إِلى مَولاه وَهوَ مُوَحّد

4. And al-Abbas uncle of Mustafa chose him
As a neighbor by his dome, so the tomb was blessed

٤. وَاِختارَهُ العَباس عَم المُصطَفى
جاراً بقبته فَطاب المرقد

5. And the maidens on the night of 1st Muharram dated
The full moon Abbas gave light to Muhammad

٥. وَالحُور في سلخ المحرّم أَرّخت
لِلبَدر عَباس أَضاء مُحَمد