1. When the ships are stripped for battle,
Then Othman on the day of calamity is victorious,
١. إِذا جُرِّدتْ عِند الحُروب قَواضبُ
فَعُثمان في يَوم الكَريهة غالبُ
2. He is the brave, bold prince who through him
Those who seek gain their wishes from him as seekers,
٢. هُوَ الصارم الشَهم الأَمير الَّذي بِهِ
يَنال الأَماني مَن لَها مِنهُ طالب
3. He is the son of him who was triumphant in the battlefield of war
Against his enemies, and he is the resolute warrior,
٣. هُوَ اِبنُ الَّذي في مَوقف الحَرب ظافرٌ
بِأَعدائه وَهوَ الهمام المُحارب
4. He is the son of the intrepid knight the prince who
The Arabs despite their noses submitted to him,
٤. هُوَ اِبن الأَمير الضيغم الفارس الَّذي
لَهُ أَذعنت رغم الأُنوف الأَعارب
5. He is the only one described with understanding and intelligence
And in the gathering of knowledge, he is the best conversant,
٥. هُوَ الأَوحد المَوصوف بِالفهم وَالذَكا
وَفي محفل العرفان نعم المخاطب
6. So if he is generous, he makes Hatim forget generosity
And he has meanings of munificence that cannot be matched,
٦. فَإِن جادَ أَنسى بِالسَماحة حاتِماً
وَمَعْنٌ لَديهِ في السَخا لا يُقارب
7. In his opinion there is Qais and in forbearance Ahnaf
And in his hate there is Amr and in knowledge Najib
٧. وَفي رَأيه قَيسٌ وَفي الحلم أَحنَفٌ
وَفي كرّه عَمروٌ وَفي العلم ناجب
8. You see him when he comes seeking his wishes
The brother of adversity has become for the destitute a watcher
٨. تَراهُ إِذا ما جاء يَبغي نَواله
أَخو العُسر أَضحى للعفاة يُراقب
9. And if the oppressed set out for the Kaaba of his justice
He sufficed the enemies while he was riding saddled,
٩. وَإِن يَمَّم المَظلوم كَعبةَ عَدله
كَفاه الأَعادي وَهوَ في السَرج راكب
10. And if the bird with clipped wing landed in his land
The feathers grew and tribulations submitted to him
١٠. وَإِن حَلَّ مَقصوص الجَناح بِأَرضه
نَما الريش وَاِنقادَت إِلَيهِ الصَعائب
11. And your love, O Othman, O unique of mankind
Is obligatory upon every human being,
١١. وَحبك يا عُثمان يا واحد الوَرى
عَلى كُل مَخلوق مِن الناس واجب
12. And you are the prince, son of the prince who
Upon people pours as long as time remains pouring
١٢. وَأَنت الأَمير بن الأَمير الَّذي لَهُ
عَلى الخَلق غَيث مدّةَ الدَهر ساكب
13. And you are the one who has become a sun with
Orbits around it and behind the orbits are planets
١٣. وَأَنتَ الَّذي أَصبَحت شَمساً وَحَولَها
بدورٌ وَمِن خَلف البُدور كَواكب
14. And your glory intrinsic to the revered status
And your fortune continues while the adversary fails
١٤. وَمَجدك بِالشَأن المُعَظَّم ذاته
وَسَعدك نام وَالمعاند خائب
15. And your pardon of the sinful people is realized
And your sword is drawn and your arrow hits the mark
١٥. وَعَفوك عَن أَهل الذُنوب مُحقَّقٌ
وَسَيفُك مَطلوق وَسَهمُك صائب
16. And your door is open to whoever comes hoping
Your munificence, and whoever the wishes burdened
١٦. وَبابُك مَفتوحٌ لِمَن جاءَ راجِياً
نَداكَ وَمَن عزت عَلَيهِ المَطالب
17. And you are hoped for all adversities
And you are the one to whom the processions head
١٧. وَأَنتَ المرجَّى لِلشَدائد كُلَّها
وَأَنتَ الَّذي تَسعى إِلَيهِ المَواكب
18. And you are the young man from whom expected boldness
And openings and victory for the people and positions
١٨. وَأَنتَ الفَتى المَأمول مِنهُ شَهامةٌ
وَفَتحٌ وَنَصرٌ لِلوَرى وَمَراتب
19. And righteousness, courage, wisdom and authority
And a light by which darkness from us departs
١٩. وَبرّ وَإِقدامٌ وَحَزم وَسَطوة
وَنُورٌ بِهِ عَنّا تَزول الغَياهب
20. And favor, kindness, religion and chastity
And an opinion from which strangeness to us appeared
٢٠. وَفَضل وَمَعروف وَدين وَعفة
وَرَأي بَدَت مِنهُ لَدَينا الغَرائب
21. So you remained protected, dear, supported
With a clear victory however wonders increased
٢١. فَلا زِلت مَحفوظاً عَزيزاً مؤيداً
بِنَصرٍ مُبين ما تَناهَت عَجائب
22. And you remained mounted on the back of politics
Said to you destiny, to me you are the companion
٢٢. وَدُمت عَلى مَتن السِياسة راكباً
يَقول لَكَ الإقبال لي أَنتَ صاحب
23. And well-being did not cease for people through you
And power and honor caressing time's length
٢٣. وَلا بَرحت مِنكَ الوَرى في سَعادة
وَعزٍّ عَلى طُول الزَمان يُداعب
24. And blessings did not cease to surround you in every assembly
Encircled with praise and positions
٢٤. وَلا اِنفَكَّ عَنكَ البَشرُ في كُل مَقعدٍ
يُحيط بِه فيكَ الثَنا وَالمَناصب
25. And you did not remain except in joy and bounty
Increasing and remaining however troops succeeded
٢٥. وَلا دُمت إِلّا في سُرور وَنعمة
تَزيد وَتَبقى ما تَوالَت كَتائب