
Upholding the most noble covenant with them

مستمسكا منهم بأكرم ذمة

1. Upholding the most noble covenant with them
Its nobility and loyalty are too lofty to be scorned

١. مُستمسكاً منهم بِأَكرَم ذمة
شرفت وَجل وَفاؤُها أن يحقرا

2. And it has reached a status below which
The stars and constellations bow down in worship

٢. وَلَقَد وَصَلت إِلى محل دُونَه
تَكبو الكَواكب وَالمَواكب في السَرى

3. And in those aspirations I have raised banners
Time walks in their shadow, boastful

٣. وَرَفعت في تِلكَ الأَماني خَوافِقاً
يَمشي الزَمان بِظلها مُتبخترا

4. So I sought knowledge without concealing
The evil of enemies or the lion of bravery

٤. فَأَخذت في طَلب العُلوم وَلم أَخف
شَر العَدوّ وَلَم أَهب أُسدَ الشَرى

5. Avoiding the steps to arrogance, riding
The mounts of glory and might unbridled

٥. متلافياً درج المَفاخر راكِباً
لبني المَعالي وَالعَوالي قسوَرا

6. For the son who destroyed thousands with his palm
With resolve and purpose, aiding or destructive

٦. لِبني الَّذي أَفنى الأُلوف بِكَفه
حَزماً وَعَزماً مُنجدا أَو مُغوِرا

7. For the son who led armies to enemies
With his steeds, overpowering them

٧. لِبَني الَّذي قادَ الجُيوش إِلى العِدا
بِالعادِيات عَليهمُ مُستَظهِرا

8. The tribes whose gifts and intermediaries
With justice gave life and destroyed souls

٨. أَسباط مَن بِعَطائه وَسطائه
بِالعَدل قَد أَحيا النُفوس وَدمَّرا

9. Who attained the utmost with ambitions
That brought about feats of which Alexander dreamed

٩. البالغ الغايات بِالهمم الَّتي
بَعثت مَآثرُ بَعضِها الاسكندرا

10. Whose buildings and soldiers in their loftiness
And growth surpassed gravel and earth

١٠. وَبُنودُه وَجُنوده بعلوّها
وَنمّوها فَوق الثريّا وَالثَرى

11. His nation saw kingdoms as possessions
A king whose sword's edge has a minister

١١. أَمته أَملاك البِلاد فَأَبصرت
ملكاً لحدّ حسامه مستوزرا