
O skillful and clever one, help us

أيها الماهر اللبيب أفدنا

1. O skillful and clever one, help us
With the meaning of a word spelled backwards from which we came

١. أَيُّها الماهر اللَبيب أَفدْنا
عَن لفيظ مَقلوبه مِنهُ جئنا

2. And which in the Frankish tongue is pronounced long
It's the name of something - if it leaves the body we die

٢. وَهُوَ بِالمدّ في لِسان فرنجٍ
اسمُ شيء إِن فارق الجسم متنا

3. And if they add a letter it becomes the name of something
That comes third in bees and we understood

٣. وَلَديهم إِن حرّفوه اسمُ شيءٍ
جاءَ في النحل ثالثاً وَفهمنا

4. And if you remove the last letter, it remains a letter
That came in my people's speech with a meaning

٤. وَإِذا ما حذفت الأَخير فحرف
ما أَتى في كَلام قَومي لِمَعنى

5. And it is for some people a simple origin
And for its people, the trusted ones, it is dual

٥. وَهوَ أَصل لَدى أُناسٍ بَسيطٌ
وَلَدى أَهله الثقات مُثنَّى

6. It dwells fixedly in the earth and sky
By consensus of mankind, as we have known

٦. وَهوَ في الأَرض وَالسَماء مُقيمٌ
باتفاق الوَرى كَما قَد علمنا

7. And by it God destroyed servants
Who took other than Him as refuge and shelter

٧. وَبِهِ أَهلك الإِله عِباداً
تَخذوا غَيره ملاذاً وحصنا

8. And it is beneficial and harmful to mankind
Except we die if it goes from us

٨. وَهوَ لِلناس نافعٌ وَمضرٌّ
بَيد أَنّا نَموت إِن بانَ عَنا

9. And it is like the wind in some matters, and if you wish
That muddy one - behold, we have uncovered it

٩. وَهوَ كَالريح في أُمورٍ وَإِن شئ
ت فَذاكَ اللجين إنا كشفنا

10. So ponder its solution, for it is easy
Its meaning cannot be obscure to one who is patient

١٠. فَتأمَّل في حله فهوَ سهلٌ
لَيسَ يَخفى مَعناه عَمَّن تَأنَّى