
With pillars rising high into the sky

بحجاه سما رفيع العماد

1. With pillars rising high into the sky
A center of virtue, charity and aid

١. بحجاه سَما رَفيع العَمادِ
مَركز الفَضل وَالعُلا ذو الأَيادي

2. Who pushed back drought to fill the Nile
Through effort and deed made the land verdant

٢. دافع الجدب عَن بحيرة مَصر
وَسِواها بِهمة وَاجتِهاد

3. Jabir who by water distribution did break
The drought, source of bounty to all who prayed

٣. جابرٌ كسرَها بِتَوزيع ماء
هُوَ أسُّ الغنى بِها لِلعِباد

4. Upholding obligations to irrigate the land
Spreading prosperity throughout its breadth

٤. قائم بِالفُروض للريّ فيها
ناشرُ الخصب في جَميع البلاد

5. May God increase his joy and delight
Through the trusted polestar of wisdom and guidance

٥. زادَهُ اللَه بَهجة وَسُروراً
بِأَمين قُطب الذَكا وَالرَشاد

6. For he deserves precedence and ascendance
And is most worthy of stature and rise

٦. فَهوَ بِالسَبق وَالمَعالي جَدير
وَهوَ أَولى برفعة وَاِزدِياد

7. My praise of him adds honor to my verse
And from fate I have reached my goal

٧. وَبِمَدحي لَهُ تشرّف قَدري
وَمِن الدَهر قَد بلغت مرداي

8. Since I adorned it with his accolades
The prime of my verse in its valleys and hills

٨. حَيث حليت بِالثَناء عَلَيهِ
جيدَ نَظمي في طارف وَتلاد

9. And being pleased with him I dated and marked
The appearance of his glory with success

٩. وَالرضا عَنهُ قال لي فيهِ أَرّخ
مَظهرٌ باح مجدُه بِسَداد