1. With the resolve of Ismail, the stars draw near
And with it the processions strive for the highest ideals
١. بهمة إسماعيل تدنو كواكبُ
وَتَسعى بِها نَحوَ المَعالي مَواكبُ
2. And by it, in the universe, East and West alike
Live — the walking and the mounted among mankind
٢. وَيَحيا بِها في الكَون شَرقاً وَمَغرِباً
مِن الناس ماشٍ ذُو مواتٍ وَراكب
3. His generosity rains upon all creatures each day
Without asking, like pouring clouds
٣. وَجود يَديهِ كُل يَوم عَلى الوَرى
بِدُون سُؤال كَالسَحائب ساكب
4. And his famous determination in every battle
Makes him victorious among the horsemen
٤. وَإِقدامه المَعهود في كل معرك
يَدين لَهُ بَينَ الفَوارس غالب
5. And his management in unraveling complex mysteries
With it, hopes are fulfilled for the worlds
٥. وَتَدبيره في كَشف أَسرار غامض
بِهِ فُتِحت لِلعالمين مَطالب
6. And if all I am were to become tongues
And I spent my life in praise — and that is a duty
٦. وَلَو أَنَّني أَصبَحت كلِّي ألسناً
وَأَنفقتُ عُمري في الثَنا وَهوَ واجب
7. And the goodness of my gratitude increased for the one
Who blessed me while time was unkind and wrathful
٧. وَزادَ ليسري حسنُ شكري عَلى الَّذي
حَباني بِهِ وَالدَهر مغضٍ وَغاضب
8. And my praise was refined for the one who rescued me
With gifts for the poor slave in need
٨. وَطابَ مَديحي فيهِ حَيث أَغاثَني
بِما فيهِ لِلعَبد الفَقير مَواهب
9. With which the guide's care raised his parents
From ordeals and tribulations
٩. بِما فيهِ لِلداعي رَشاد رِعاية
بِها رَفَعت عَن والديه مَصائب
10. I would fall short of enumerating a tenth of the virtues
With which his supreme qualities are adorned
١٠. لقصرت عَن إحصاء مَعشار عشر ما
بِهِ تَتَحلّى مِن علاه مَناقب
11. O gallant one, whom ascended in the ranks
Of the Egyptian rule to prominence
١١. أَيا أَيُّها الشَهم الَّذي قَد تشرّفت
بِطلعته في ملك مصر مَراتب
12. And the homelands gained from his wise opinion
And insight what high positions aspire to
١٢. وَقَد نالت الأَوطان مِن حُسن رَأيه
وَفطنته ما منه تَسمو مَناصب
13. And found in him the finest governance
For a refugee seeking his guidance
١٣. وَفيها صفت مِنهُ بِأَسنى سِياسةٍ
لملتجئٍ يأَوي إِلَيهِ مَشارب
14. To you, Ali, gratitude shines forth speaking
Of blessings beyond any counter's count
١٤. إِلَيكَ عَليٌّ لاحَ بِالشُكر ناطِقاً
عَلى نعمٍ عَن حَصرِها كَلَّ حاسب
15. For opening a house whose door, were it not for you
Would be shut by stubborn, watchful despair
١٥. عَلى فَتح بَيت كاد لَولاك بابه
يُغلِّقُه يَأس عَنيد مُراقب
16. So be my ally on a day none but you
Would defend the weak slave under attack
١٦. فَكُن لي نَصيراً يَوم لا ذو فتوّة
سِواك عَن العَبد الضَعيف يُحارب
17. And my covenant in your noble nature is that
I will succeed and my wishes with you fulfilled
١٧. وَعَهديَ في أَخلاقك الغرّ أَنَّني
أَفوز وَلي يَقضي بِظني مآرب
18. And attain all I hoped in you, and I was not
Of those whose paths were too narrow
١٨. وَأَبلغ ما أَمّلت فيك وَلم أَكُن
لَدَيك كَمَن ضاقَت عَلَيهِ مَذاهب
19. Sixty months of unemployment exhausted
My furniture and closed off my avenues
١٩. فَستون شَهراً في البِطالة أَذهَبَت
أَثاثي وَقَد سدّت عَليّ المَسارب
20. But you are kind, merciful at heart, so that
None withstand your resolve without being wronged
٢٠. وَأَنتَ كَريم راحمُ القَلب بامرئ
بِحَزمك مِنهُ لَيسَ يُهضم جانب
21. And whoever knocks on the doors of generosity
They open to him and tribulations disappear
٢١. وَمَن دقَّ أَبواب الكِرام تفتحت
لَهُ وَتَوارت عَن حِماه نَوائب
22. So you remain a rescuer of servants in a state
Whose light dispels gloom from its sky
٢٢. فَلا زلت غَوثاً للعباد بِدَولة
بِنُورك تُجلَى عَن سَماها غَياهب
23. And your servant continues to visions success
With the resolve of Ismail, the stars draw near
٢٣. وَلا بَرح الإِقبال عَبدك ماثلاً
بِهمة إسماعيل تدنو كَواكب