1. When Allah's victory comes and breasts expand,
And the full moon of knowledge dawns upon us,
١. إِذا جاءَ نَصر اللَه وَانشرح الصَدرُ
وَأَشرَق مِن أُفق العُلوم لَنا البَدرُ
2. When times become pleasant for us in Egypt and
The darkness of this oppression disappears and fate rights itself,
٢. وَطابَت لَنا الأَوقات في مَصر وَاِنجَلَت
غَياهب هَذا الجور وَاعتدل الدَهر
3. And the unique scholar in Egypt becomes prosperous,
With a vast ocean from which pearls can be extracted,
٣. وَأَضحى فَريد العلم في مَصر مُزهِراً
بِبَحر مُحيط مِنهُ يُلتَقَط الدر
4. Good tidings to us with Rifa'a Al-Tahtawi,
The resolute father of prose and poetry,
٤. فَبُشرى لَنا بِالهاشميّ رفاعة
أَبي العَزم مَن يَحيا بِهِ النَظم وَالنَثر
5. What a victory for us when his footsteps arrived
In our land after hardship had struck us,
٥. وَيا فَوزَنا مِن حَيث حلَّ رِكابُه
بِساحتنا مِن بَعد ما مَسَّنا الضر
6. And good fortune for the students with this great master,
With whom the universe takes pride and boasts,
٦. وَيا سَعد أَبناء العُلوم بِسَيد
جَليل بِهِ في الكَون يَفتَخر الفَخر
7. He came and success walks ahead of him,
So the army of illusion retreated smiling,
٧. لَقَد آب وَالإِقبال يَسعى أَمامه
فَأَدبر جَيش الوَهم وَابتسم الثَغر
8. And he raced to do good in every direction,
With his happiness outpacing his endeavors,
٨. وَسارع لِلخَيرات في كُل وجهة
فَسابقه في سَعيه السَعد وَالبشر
9. And he silenced with proof the snout of an obstinate ignoramus,
About whom judgement has been passed,
٩. وَأَرغم بِالبرهان أَنف مفند
جَهول عَنيد فيهِ قَد قُضِيَ الأَمر
10. He is but of the progeny of a group,
They are the virtuous masters and shining stars,
١٠. وَما هُوَ إِلا مِن سُلالة مَعشر
هُم السادة الأَخيار وَالأَنجُم الزُهر
11. He is the son of the Messenger of God, the most generous prophet,
And the greatest creature, for him are opening and victory,
١١. هُوَ اِبن رَسول اللَه أَكرَم مُرسلٍ
وَأَعظَم مَخلوق لَهُ الفَتح وَالنَصر
12. He is the brilliant Luminary, the axis of supremacy,
He is the master described, the sea of knowledge,
١٢. هُوَ اللَوذَعيُّ الأَلمعيْ دَوحةُ العُلا
هُوَ السَيد المَوصوف وَالحبر وَالبَحر
13. He is the treasure of wisdom and the palm of generosity,
He is forbearance, kindness, good, and righteousness,
١٣. هُوَ الكنز للعرفان وَالكَف للندى
هُوَ الحلم وَالمَعروف وَالخَير وَالبر
14. He is the unique gem, the prince for whom
Favors upon the days have no limit,
١٤. هُوَ الجَوهر الفَرد الأَمير الَّذي لَهُ
أَياد عَلى الأَيام لَيسَ لَها حَصر
15. He is the noble writer, the perfect one whom
Egypt has witnessed his wisdom and merit,
١٥. هُوَ الفاضل النحرير وَالكامل الَّذي
لَهُ بِالذكا وَالفَضل قَد شَهدت مَصر
16. He purified the Sudan of most of their filth,
And in the port of Khartoum his light shone,
١٦. لَقَد طَهر السودان مِن جل رجسهم
وَفي بَندر الخَرطوم لاحَ لَهُ سر
17. And he revealed the signs of guidance in their lands,
So he rightfully deserves thanks there and elsewhere,
١٧. وَأَظهَر آيات الهُدى بِبلادهم
فَحقَّ لَهُ فيها وَفي غَيرِها الشُكر
18. My ability falls short in praising a prince whose lineage is lofty,
And the Quran has praised his grandfather,
١٨. وَما قَدر مَدحي في أَميرٍ جَنابُه
رَفيعٌ وَقَد أَثنى عَلى جدّه الذكر
19. He continues to lead us to knowledge,
And folds the carpet of ignorance since dawn rose.
١٩. فَلا زالَ للعرفان فينا يَسوسه
وَيَطوي بِساط الجَهل ما طلع الفَجر