1. I inclined towards the religion of youth when
My beloved came to my abode on the day of intimacy
١. صَبَوتُ إلى دين الصَبابة إِذ سَعى
إِلى مَنزِلي يَوم العَروبة مَولاهُ
2. The prophet of beauty, in whose law of charm there is no
harm "And slay not the life which Allah hath forbidden"
٢. نَبيُّ جَمالٍ لَيسَ في شَرع حُسنه
وَلا تَقتلوا النَفس الَّتي حَرَّم اللَهُ
3. Nor did I fear in following his religion
Aversion - remote is he whom Allah hath brought nigh
٣. وَما كُنت أَخشى في اتباعيَ دينه
عَذولاً نَأى لا قرّب اللَه مَثواه
4. So oft did Solwan chide me and upbraid me with his blame
But the guidance of the religion of love spurns him
٤. فَكَم رام سلواني وَعيّي بِلومه
وَلَكن هُدى دين المَحبة يَأباه
5. And oft he hoped I would desist from this madness
He had built in my heart with Sawda a dwelling
٥. وَكَم كانَ يَرجو سَلوَتي عَن مهفهف
بَنى بالسويدا مِن فُؤادي مَأواه
6. And oft did a boon-companion and an ignorant man blame me
And oft did intimates attempt to dissuade me
٦. وَكَم لامَني فيهِ خليٌّ وَجاهلٌ
وَكَم حاوَلت مني الأخلاء سَلواه
7. But when he insisted on separation for a time
And deprived me on the day of intimacy of seeing him
٧. وَلما أَبى إِلّا القَطيعة برهةً
وَأَحرَمني يَوم العروبة رُؤياه
8. Not for weariness of love,
But for something his religion permits him not
٨. وَقاطَعني في الحُب لا عَن مَلالة
وَلَكن لِشيء دينه لَيسَ يَرعاه
9. That was his delusion, that I had relented
And inclined to a gazelle whose glance gives life
٩. وَذاكَ لَوَهمٍ مِنهُ أَني سَلوته
وَملت إِلى ظَبي أَضاء مُحيّاه
10. I swore to him I repented of the delusion
When it was established the delusion had led to separation
١٠. حلفت لَهُ أَني مِن الوَهم تائب
لِما صَحَّ أنَّ الوَهم لِلهَجر أَدّاه
11. Would that I knew how he knows
He loves another, though their charms I concealed
١١. وَيا لَيت شعري كَيفَ يَعلم أَنَّهُ
يحب سِواه وَالمَحاسن أَسراه
12. And hearkens to lies in love, though his law
States the prohibition thereof, yet he allows it
١٢. وَيُصغي لزور في الغَرام وَشَرعُه
يَنص عَلى تَحريمه وَهوَ يَرضاه
13. And divulges about me that my inclination
Is what led him to what he did, and enticed him
١٣. وَيَنشر عَني أَن ميلي هُوَ الَّذي
دَعاه إِلى ما كانَ مِنهُ وَأَغراه
14. I inclined not from him in love, but rather
He wanted to test me with aloofness and trial
١٤. وَما ملت عَنهُ في الغَرام وَإِنَّما
أَراد اِختِباري بِالصُدود وَبَلواه
15. And when he saw me truthful in love
Nor ever betrayed his intimate talk to strangers
١٥. وَلما رَآني في المَحبة صادِقاً
وَما بحت للأغيار يَوماً بِنَجواه
16. And my repentance was confirmed with him, he came hastily
And my moments were sweetened by drinking his wine
١٦. وَصحت لَدَيهِ تَوبَتي جاءَ مُسرِعاً
وَطابَت أُويقاتي بشرب حميّاه
17. I pledged to him I would never betray, so he said to me
"I am content, so long as no other comes to fascinate you"
١٧. وَعاهدته أَن لا يَخون فَقال لي
أَجبت إِذا لَم يَأتِ غَيري فَتَهواه
18. So I willingly pledged allegiance, and said to my companion
"Celibacy has passed, so forgive me, for I adore him"
١٨. فَبايعته طَوعاً وَقُلت لِصاحِبي
مَضى النسك فَاعذرني فَإِني أَهواه
19. That was a cup of love I quaffed,
So understand, and do not blame me lest you drain it
١٩. وَذَلِكَ كاس مِن غَرام شربته
فهمت فحاذر أَن تَلوم فَتسقاه
20. If given the choice between my family and him
I would not choose, by the law of youth, but him
٢٠. وَلَو خَيروني بَين أَهلي وَبَينه
لَما اِختَرتُ في شَرع الصَبابة إِلّا هو
21. And my wish, if death does not visit me,
Is that when he passes by my grave, he will give me life
٢١. وَأمنيتي إِن لَم يَزرني مَنِيَّتي
عَساهُ إِذا ما مَرّ بِالقَبر حَيّاه
22. And if he does not pray over me, I will surely perish
But he is the secret of my heart, and gave it life
٢٢. وَإِن لَم يَصلني كُنت لا شكَ هالِكاً
وَلَكنهُ سرّ الفُؤاد وَأَحياه
23. And he promised union every moment
So he was generous, and did not stint what I desired
٢٣. وَواعَدني بِالوَصل في كُل ساعة
فَجادَ وَلَم يَبخَل بِما أَتمناه
24. May Allah reward my gazelle who is generous to his lovers
With whatever he craves openly, despite his enemies
٢٤. لَهُ اللَه مِن ظَبي يَجود لصبه
بِما يَشتَهي جَهراً عَلى رَغم أَعداه
25. He has no flaw but that his glance,
When it wanders, ensnares the lover and deafens him
٢٥. وَما فيهِ مِن عَيب سِوى أَن طَرفه
إِذا ما رنا صادَ المُحب وَأَصماه
26. If this age were just in its judgment,
It would not oppress one we have justly praised
٢٦. وَلَو كانَ هَذا الدَهر في الحُكم مُنصِفاً
لَما جارَ مَن بِالعَدل زوراً نَعتناه
27. And separate body and soul suddenly
Intending a matter whose consequence cannot be avoided
٢٧. وَفَرّق بَين الجسم وَالرُوح بغتة
وَهمّ بِأَمر لَيسَ يَأمن عُقباه