1. When I saw you and the steamer striving
On its course with legions beyond count,
١. لَما رَأَيتك وَالوابور مُجتَهدُ
في سَيره بِجُنود ما لَها عَددُ
2. And you waved from afar with your right hand
Surrendering, your banner of victory furled,
٢. وَلي أَشَرتَ عَلى بُعد بِيُمنِ يَدٍ
مُسلّماً وَلِواء النَصر مُنعَقد
3. I was content with your hurried salutation,
While my heart and soul sailed in your train.
٣. قَنعت مِنكَ بِتَسليم عَلى عَجَلٍ
وَفي ركابك سارَ اللب وَالخَلَد
4. Send me then a scroll on which to live
By me and by the folded leaves of my form.
٤. فَاِبعَث إِليّ بِمَنشور يَعيش بِهِ
مني وَمن صُحف مَطوية جَسَد
5. And O my prince, let no chance escape
When it comes to one whose hope after God rests on his word.
٥. وَلا تُضِع يا أَميري فُرصةً عَرضت
لِمَن عَلى الوَعد بَعد اللَه يَعتَمد
6. Arise and bind up the break of one whose break
None can bind but the joy in him that breeds much envy.
٦. وَاِنهَض إِلى جبر كسرٍ لَيسَ يجبره
إِلّا سُرور عَلَيهِ يَكثر الحَسَد
7. Especially as the months of the tryst draw near,
And grace whose course thereafter has no term.
٧. لا سِيَما وَشُهور المَوعد اِقتَرَبت
وَالرفت لَيسَ لَهُ مِن بَعدِهِ أَمَد
8. And the clerk of erasure, in my affair, stretches out to him
Ere long his hand to cut off the means of livelihood.
٨. وَكاتب الشَطب في أَمري تَمدّ لَه
عَمّا قَليل إِلى قَطع المَعاش يَد
9. The fortunate king has no knowledge
Of the state of a page who has no recourse.
٩. وَلَيسَ لِلملِك المَسعود طالعُهُ
علمٌ بِحال غُلامٍ ما لَهُ مَدَد
10. Does any but Joseph the Truthful remember me
When I am forgotten and none asks after me?
١٠. وَهَل سَوى يُوسف الصَديق يذكرني
إِذا نُسيتُ وَعَني لَم يَسَل أَحَد