1. Long live the prosperous ruler, kind to mankind is his reign
His reforms in Egypt do plainly explain
١. دامَ العَزيز سَعيد للوَرى مُلكا
يُبدي بِتَدبيره في مَصر إِصلاحا
2. With wise counsel and valour the throne he maintains
His brave army cries loud, when the battle terrain
٢. وَيَحفظ الملك بِالرَأي السَديد وَبال
جَيش السَعيد إِذا ما صائح صاحا
3. No more is feast day while fasting with praise overspread
But now with his glory sweet musk is instead
٣. ما عادَ عيد صِيام فيهِ مادحه
هنَّا بِمدح لَهُ مسك الثَنا فاحا
4. No more does glad tiding trill out a date newly won
But victory's feast to rejoice him has begun
٤. أَو ما ترنمت البُشرى مؤرّخةً
بِالنَصر لِلصَدر عيد الفطر قَد لاحا