1. A beggar stands at the door of the Sultan of Sultans,
A human among jinn, hoping for his grace.
١. عَلى باب سُلطان السلاطين سائلٌ
مِن الإنس بَينَ الجن يرجو نَوالَهُ
2. He complains of hardship to the Exalted One.
Far be it! Far be it that his plea be denied!
٢. وَيَشكو إِلى عَلياه شدّة
وَحاشاه حاشاه يردّ سؤالَهُ
3. The rain is but a droplet of His generosity,
In His era, even the destitute became His children.
٣. فَما الغيث إِلّا قَطرة مِن سَخائه
وَفي عَصره أَضحى العفاة عيالَهُ
4. The lion in the thicket is but prey
For Him, if it dares approach and seeks a fight.
٤. وَما اللَيث في الهَيجاء إِلا فَريسة
لَهُ إِن دَنا مِنهُ وَرام نزاله
5. O King of Kings,
He has come to Your vast court and pitched his tents,
٥. أَيا ملك الأَملاك إِن
بِساحتك الفَيحاء حَطَ رِحاله
6. Calling on You, Dhikra'il, in difficulty, trusting
In ease without asking, to free his mind.
٦. وَناداك دكرائيل في العسر واثِقاً
بِيسر بِلا سؤل يَحل عقاله
7. By Allah, accept his hope!
By the Highest Council, join his ties!
٧. فَباللَه إِلا ما قبلت رَجاءه
وَبِالسدّة العَليا وَصلت حباله
8. Save him from the schemes of his fellow men
And from time's treachery that did not favor him.
٨. وَخلصته مِن كَيد أَبناء جنسه
وَمِن غَدر دَهر جائر ما صَفا لَه
9. To You and shows in pleading his state.
Take his hand now that he has made
٩. وَها هُوَ بَعد اللَه فوّض أَمره
إِليك وَأَبدى في التَضرع حاله
10. You, trusting in Your goodness, his reliance.
Meet my praise of You with pleasure
١٠. فَخُذ بيديه حَيث أَصبَح جاعِلاً
عَلَيكَ بِحُسن الظَن فيكَ اِتكاله
11. With a glance of favor that removes estrangement.
Preserve his face from the disgrace of servitude,
١١. وَقابل ثَنا مَجدي عَلَيك مِن الرضا
بِلمحة إِقبال تزيل اِنفِصاله
12. Through which the deficient claimant attained perfection.
١٢. وَصُن وَجهه بِالعز عَن ذل خدمة
بِها المدَّعي ذُو النَقص نال كَماله