
The Khedive in Egypt has an Eid festival,

للخديوي في مصر عيد إمام

1. The Khedive in Egypt has an Eid festival,
I cannot enumerate his virtues in an Imam.

١. للخديوي في مصر عيدُ إِمامِ
لَستُ أُحصي أَوصافه في إِمامِ

2. May God support a state in which he prevailed
With glories over the kings of all people.

٢. أَيد اللَه دَولة سادَ فيها
بِالمَعالي عَلى مُلوك الأَنام

3. And protect him for the good of the best of lands,
Whose troops he managed with care.

٣. وَرَعاه لملكِ خَير بِلادٍ
ساس فيها جُنودَه باهتمام

4. And built fortresses for security in it,
Feared by the army of every ferocious lion.

٤. وَبَنى للأَمان فيها قِلاعاً
خافَها جَيشُ كُل لَيث همام

5. No crescent appeared for a happy Eid
In the sky of joy after fasting.

٥. ما هِلال بَدا لعيدٍ سَعيدٍ
في سَماء السُرور غب الصِيام

6. And he excelled in his intelligence with acumen,
Like a lion cub after weaning.

٦. وَاِزدَهى في عُلومه بذكاء
طوسن شبله عقيب الفِطام

7. And a loyal servant adorned with praising his Highness,
With lifelong prayer.

٧. وَتحلّى بِمَدح عَلياه عبدٌ
مُخلص في الدعا بِطُول الدَوام

8. Glory continues calling him: record
The Khedive in Egypt has an Eid festival.

٨. لا يَزال العلا يُناديه أَرِّخ
للخديوي في مصر عيد إِمام