1. Your slave, O friend of the most noble state
Is confident in fulfilling a promise from your Excellency
١. غلامك يا صدّيقَ أَشرَفِ دَولةٍ
بِإِنجاز وَعد مِن مَعاليك واثقُ
2. And it is unbecoming of you, O most generous of chests, to disappoint him
With other than what he hopes for, and the promise is true
٢. وَحاشاك يا صَدر الصُدور تردّه
بِغَير الَّذي يَرجوه وَالوَعد صادق
3. And from my rest upon you overflowed unto the world
Seas of abundant gifts compatible
٣. وَمِن راحَتَي عَلياك فاضَ عَلى الوَرى
بِحارُ نَوالٍ زاخِراتٌ دَوافق
4. So you revived in every place with sweet water
Souls that death had struck down
٤. فَأَحيت بِعَذب الماء في كُل بقعة
نفوساً رَماها بِالمَوات
5. And everyone whom a generous gift inspired to praise you
Became a competitor racing in your eulogy
٥. وَأَصبَح يَشدو بِامتِداحك كُلُّ من
جَواد ذَكاه في ثَنائك سابق
6. So accept my praise, for I am
A faithful, loyal servant, I do not dissimulate
٦. فَقابل مَديحي بِالقبول فَإِنَّني
خَديم أَمين مُخلص لا أُنافق
7. And order for me release for seven months
And two days for which parting had whitened upon me
٧. وَمُر لي بإِطلاقٍ لِسَبعة أَشهُرٍ
وَيَومين شابَت لي عَلَيها مَفارق
8. For during them I did not hesitate an hour
After ease with hardship, from that which accords
٨. فَإِني فيها ما توانيتُ ساعة
مَع العُسر بَعدَ اليُسر عَما يُوافق
9. And I increased only in desire for praises
With which my tongue, secretly and openly, speaks
٩. وَلا اِزددت إِلّا رَغبة في مَدائح
لِساني بِها في السر وَالجَهر ناطق
10. And live in everlasting clarity and primacy
For you, good fortune for all time accompanying it
١٠. وَعش في صَفاء دائم وَصَدارة
لَكَ السَعد طُول الدَهر فيها مَرافق