
What river flows through the filthiest valley,

أي نهر يجري بأقذر واد

1. What river flows through the filthiest valley,
Yet it is lawful wine for all people.

١. أَيُّ نَهرٍ يَجري بِأَقذر وادٍ
هُوَ لِلخَلقِ أَجمَعين مدامُ

2. For Muslims too it is forbidden,
It is the heart of a star if some of it appears.

٢. وَهوَ عِندَ الجَميع خَمرٌ حلالٌ
وَلَدى المُسلِمين أَيضاً حَرام

3. Understand my hint, O wise one.
It is also, when spelled with damma, the noblest thing,

٣. وَهوَ قَلبٌ للنجم إِن بانَ مِنهُ ال
بعض فافهم إشارتي يا همام

4. With which great souls are adorned.
If you change this with a letter,

٤. وَهوَ أَيضاً بِالضم أَنفس شَيء
تَتَحلى بِهِ صُدورٌ عظام

5. With which systems are completed.
And if you change that, it is something,

٥. فَإِذا ما قلبتَ هَذا بحرف
مِن حُروف بِها يَتم النظام

6. Nothing equals it in struggle, like a sword.
If its heart is removed, it is a letter,

٦. وَإِذا ما قلبت ذاكَ فشيءٌ
لا يُضاهيه في النضال حسام

7. In which they have dissent and conflict.
It is a verb, if its beginning appears,

٧. وَلئن زالَ قَلبُه فَهوَ حرف
فيهِ خلفٌ لَديهمُ وَخصام

8. A plant with which disease disappears.
And if you rearrange it, it is something,

٨. وَهوَ فعلٌ إِن رَأسُهُ بانَ عَنه
وَنَبات بِهِ يَزول السقام

9. From which a female came to us and a boy.
Reflect on its solution, for it is difficult,

٩. وَإِذا ما حرّفته فَهوَ شَيءٌ
مِنهُ أُنثى أَتَت لَنا وَغُلام

10. And be perceptive, for the mention is the purpose.

١٠. فَتأمّل في حلِّه فَهوَ صَعبٌ
وَتفطَّن فَالذكر فيهِ المَرام