1. Drink the pure water and be blessed with health
And wellbeing in your body, O wayfarer.
١. صَفا الماء فَليشرَب هَنيئاً بصحة
وَعافية في جسمه كُلُّ واردِ
2. For this is a path built by a princess
With a sea of generosity, its water ever-flowing.
٢. فَهَذا سَبيل شيدته أَميرة
بِبحر نَوال ماؤُهُ غَير راكد
3. With sincerity for God in Egypt she composed
With her charity what adorns more than necklaces.
٣. وَلِلّه بِالإخلاص في مصر نظّمت
بِإِحسانِها ما يَزدَري بِالقَلائد
4. For people now flows from her rain of kindness
A fresh drink reviving the sedentary and the traveler.
٤. وَلِلناس سال الآن مِن غَيث برِّها
زلالٌ فَأَحيا نَفس غاد ووافد
5. She prevailed over her contemporaries in her time
With abundant benefit for the land added.
٥. وَسادَت عَلى أَترابِها في زَمانِها
بِوافر نَفع لِلبرية زائد
6. She attained what she desired and obtained from the world,
With the state of Ismail, all praise.
٦. وَفازَت بِما رامَت وَنالَت مِن الوَرى
بِدَولة إسماعيل كُل المَحامد
7. And the excellence of her loftiness was adorned with chastity,
Asceticism, and success towards the best of goals.
٧. وَجيد مَعاليها تَحلّى بِعفة
وَزُهد وَتَوفيق لِخَير المَقاصد
8. And Majdi said, recording her building,
"The aqueduct of Zaba, sweet water of springs."
٨. وَقَد قالَ مَجدي في بِناها مُؤرِّخاً
سَبيل زَبا عَذب سَنىّ المَوارد