
Behold the star of excellence in the cradle of knowledge shone

ها كوكب الفضل في مهد العلوم علا

1. Behold the star of excellence in the cradle of knowledge shone
And ignorance of its harms went away

١. ها كَوكَب الفَضل في مَهد العُلوم علا
وَغَيهب الجَهل عَن آفاته رَحلا

2. Its sun rose radiating joy across the universe
And its light reached both plain and hill

٢. وَشَمسه أَشرَقَت في الكَون بَهجَتُها
وَضَوؤها عَمَّ مِنهُ السَهل وَالجَبلا

3. The garden of knowledge flourished in its pulpits
Nightingales and preachers for the listeners gathered

٣. وَرَوضة العلم قامَت في مَنابرها
بَلابلٌ وَعظها للسامِعين حلا

4. And its banners in Egypt were unfurled
Above the resolute sons of noble descent

٤. وَتِلكَ راياته في مصر قَد نشرت
مِن فوق هامات أَبناء لَها نُبَلا

5. And for the afflicted, ambitions built its fortress
Coupled with generosity whose rain poured

٥. وَشَيدت حُصنه للداوريْ هممٌ
مَقرونة بِسَخاءٍ غَيثُه هَطلا

6. How could it not when he led its realm
Bestowed upon it from his bounty beyond what was sought

٦. وَكَيفَ لا وَهُوَ لَمّا أَمَّ ساحته
أَولاه مِن فَيضه فَوقَ الَّذي سَألا

7. Renewed books with excellent print, and how many
Gave life to the essence of arts that had withered

٧. وَجدّد الكُتب بِالطَبع البَديع وَكَم
أَحيا نُفوس فُنون جسمُها نَحلا

8. Among them the book of Ibn Khaldun which fascinated
Kings and became an example in the world

٨. مِنها كِتاب اِبن خَلدون الَّذي شَغفت
بِهِ المُلوك وَأَضحى في الوَرى مثلا

9. It was as a pearl hidden in shells
Shining like the full moon with lights embraced

٩. وَكانَ كَالدُرّ في الأَصداف مُختَفِياً
فَلاحَ كَالبَدر بِالأَنوار مُشتَمِلا

10. And after its rise, in every valley continuously
Another supplicated for this honorable, generous one

١٠. وَصار في كُل واد بَعد نَشأته ال
أخرى لِهَذا العَزيز الشَهم مُبتهلا

11. You will not see a spot on earth that has been devoid
Of it after its printing, as it was conveyed

١١. فَلا تَرى بُقعة في الأَرض مِنهُخَلَت
مِن بَعد تَمثيله طَبعاً كَما نُقِلا

12. And whenever its verses are recited, praise of Egypt persists
For the benefit attained through it fully

١٢. وَلَم يزَل كُلَّما آياته تَليت
يُثنَى عَلى مَصرَ ما نَفعٌ بِهِ حَصلا

13. The excellence of thought in its editing was celebrated
With gratitude, the state of pens when complete

١٣. وَجودة الرَأي في تَحريره اِحتفلت
بشكرها دَولة الأَقلام إِذ كَملا

14. What a book with no match in its field
In knowledge or deed to surpass it can be found

١٤. فَيا لَهُ مِن كِتاب لَيسَ يَفضلُهُ
في بابه غَيرُه عِلماً وَلا عَمَلا

15. When concluded, good tidings the chronicler stated
The arrow of Ibn Khaldun with fine print flew high

١٥. لَما اِنتَهى قالَت البُشرى مُؤرخةً
سَهم اِبن خَلدون بِالطَبع المُنيف عَلا