1. The noble lineage of Ismail, offspring of the generous
Adorned with virtues like a pearl, necklace of generosity
١. صَدارة إسماعيل نسل الأَكارمِ
تَحلَّى بِها كَالدُر جيدُ المَكارمِ
2. And this heart's morals testify that he
Is a noble and kind man of Hashimite origin
٢. وَأَخلاق هذا الصَدر تَشهد أَنَّهُ
شَريف كَريم الأَصل مِن آل هاشم
3. And if I had tongues speaking all at once
And lived as long as ancient eagles
٣. وَلَو أَنَّني أَصبَحت كلِّيَ أَلسُناً
وَعُمِّرت أَعمار النُسور القَشاعم
4. And excelled every eloquent speaker and composer
In every gathering with my speech
٤. وَأَحرزت فَضل السَبق في كُل محفل
عَلى ناثرٍ عَذب المَقال وَناظم
5. I would still fall short of recounting his virtues
The least of which adorns the Lord of Mercy
٥. لقصرت عَن إِحصا مَناقبه الَّتي
بأيسرها يَزدان رَب المَراحم