
Knowledge without action and repulsive deeds

علم بلا عمل وفعل منكر

1. Knowledge without action and repulsive deeds
And notorious immoralities beyond measure

١. علم بلا عمل وَفعلٌ مُنكرُ
وَفَواحشٌ مَشهورة لا تُحصَرُ

2. Is this what you boast of, O despised one, in this
Wretched, lowly world?

٢. أَبمثل هذا يا مهين عَلى الوَرى
في هذِهِ الدُنيا الدَنيئة تَفخر

3. O most wicked of creations, how much do you disobey Him
Who created you from nothingness, yet you don't repent?

٣. يا أَخبث الثقلين كَم تَعصى الَّذي
أَنشاك مِن عَدم وَلا تتستر

4. Do you hope for salvation, with your known lineage,
While your ancestry is most notorious?

٤. أَبنسبةٍ مَعلومةٍ تَرجو النَجا
وَالعرقُ دساسٌ وَأَمرُك أَشهَر

5. O wicked old man who strayed from the path of guidance,
There is no blame in killing the likes of you.

٥. يا شَيخ سوء ضلّ عَن سبل الهدى
إِن اليَزيد بقتل مثلك يَعذر

6. Why don't you cease your treachery
And desist from every sin, insisting upon it?

٦. لم لا وَأَنتَ عَلى الخَنى لا تَنتَهي
وَبِكُل موبقة تَهيم وَتَأمر

7. You dare to think of young boys, and that is a major sin,
Especially for a knowledgeable man - nothing is concealed from him.

٧. وَتَهمّ بِالذكران وَهِيَ كَبيرة
لا سِيما مِن عارف لا يُنكر

8. If it was the sweetness of your youth that deceived you,
That is how a servant is misled into disbelief.

٨. إِن كانَ غرّك مِن زَمانك صَفوُهُ
هَذا هُوَ اِستدراج عَبد يَكفر

9. O despised House of Wickedness, for how long
Will you strut around in this misguidance, and scheme?

٩. يا كَعبة الفسق الذَميم إِلى مَتى
تَختال في هذا الضلال وَتخطر

10. And drag the hem of your garment in sin, preferring
Disobedience to God over deeds for which you'll be rewarded?

١٠. وَتجرّ أَذيال المَعاصي راغِباً
عَن طاعة لِلّه مِنها تؤجر

11. I see that when someone prays differently than you
You declare him impure, though he is pure.

١١. وَأَراك إِن صَلَّى سِواك هَجرتَه
وَنسبته للرجس وَهوَ مطهر

12. As for fasting, you deliberately abandoned it
And you fall short in paying the alms.

١٢. أَمّا الصِيام فَقَد تَرَكتَ تَعمداً
وَلَأَنتَ عَن بَذل الزَكاة مقصر

13. But we see you engrossed in supererogatory acts
While neglecting God's obligatory duties.

١٣. لَكن نَراك عَلى النَوافل عاكِفاً
مَع تَرك فَرض اللَه وَهوَ مُقرّر

14. Or whenever your Lord gives you a blessing
You repay it with a sin that is unforgivable.

١٤. أَو كلما أَولاك ربك نعمة
قابلتها بخطيئة لا تُغفَر

15. Or, hasn't old age prevented you from shameful faults
That you now recognize, though once unacknowledged?

١٥. أَو ما نَهاك الشَيب عَن عَيب بِهِ
أَصبَحت مَعرفةً وَأَنتَ مُنَكَّر

16. If only the one who came upon you with his blade
Had been more firm and unrelenting in his attack.

١٦. لَيت الَّذي وافاك مِنهُ بِنصله
ما كانَ أَبقى واقباً لا يَفتر

17. If only he had sought help from his Lord
He would have finished you off and removed that disgrace.

١٧. وَلَو اَنَّهُ كانَ اِستَعان بِربه
لَقضى عَلَيك وَزال ذاك المُنكر

18. When you were slapped on the nape with a palm
By a protector whose friendship you spurned,

١٨. وَلما صُفعتَ عَلى قَفاك بصرمة
مِن كَفِّ حافظة لودّك تهجر

19. Woe to you! How can you forget that night
When they attacked while you sat there drunk?

١٩. تَباً لمثلك كَيفَ تَنسى لَيلة
هَجموا عَلَيك وَأَنتَ فيها تفجر

20. You forgot your misery in that dark, confined space
Where you said, "that was destined".

٢٠. أَغفلت وَيلك عَن مَضيق مُظلم
أَمسيت فيهِ تَقول ذاكَ مقدّر

21. O companion of evildoers! Do you gloat
Over the widows of the men whose blood you shed?

٢١. يا قبلة الأَشرار هَل تَنزو عَلى
أَزواج رَهط مِن دِماك تَصوّروا

22. Do you think after this that you are a Muslim?
You are more unbelieving than Pharaoh!

٢٢. أَتظن أَنك بَعدَ هَذا مُسلمٌ
وَلأَنتَ مِن فَرعون موسى أَكفر

23. If you had kept to these major sins alone
It would have sufficed, and earned you the greatest punishment.

٢٣. وَلَو اِقتَصرت عَلى الكَبائر هَذِهِ
لَكفت وَحاقَ بِكَ العَذاب الأَكبر

24. But you added to them, lying, fraud,
Polytheism and mischief, as they established.

٢٤. لَكن مَزجت بِها الريا وَالادّعا
وَالشرك وَالإضرار فيما قَرروا

25. O pillar of the house of sin, is there any repentance
With which you will meet a Lord Most Forgiving?

٢٥. يا رُكن بَيت الغيّ هَل مِن تَوبة
تَلقى بِها رَباً رَحيماً يَغفر

26. So listen, desist, and accept the advice
Of one offering you sincere counsel.

٢٦. فَاِسمَع وَدَع واقبل نَصيحة ناصح
قَد صاغَها لَكَ مثل درّ يُنثَر

27. Lest you plunge into the depths of Hell
And witness terrors beyond description.

٢٧. مِن قَبل أَن تَهوي بقعر جَهنم
وَتَرى مِن الأَهوال مالا يُذكر

28. Know that if I see you afterwards
Tarrying in the abode of filth,

٢٨. وَاعلَم بِأَني إن رَأَيتك بَعدَها
عَن مَقعد الأَرجاس لا تَتأخر

29. I will set upon you in your censure a stalwart poet
Whose steed in battle does not stumble.

٢٩. أَلقيت مني في هجائك فارِساً
عِندَ النزال جَواده لا يعثر

30. If only the preachers had some of my encounters
In deterring a people wrapped up in misguidance.

٣٠. وَلَوَ اَنَّ للخطباء بَعضَ مَواقفي
في زَجر قَوم بِالضَلال تَدثروا

31. Then the ploys of Iblis would be foiled, whose troops
Are few when mustered.

٣١. لَتعطلت أَسباب إبليس الَّذي
في جُنده عَما قَليل تحشر