
O prince, my mind was enthralled in praising you,

يا أميرا في مدحه هام فهمي

1. O prince, my mind was enthralled in praising you,
And my poetry adorned with your attributes.

١. يا أَميراً في مَدحه هام فهمي
وَبِأَوصافه تَجمَّل نَظمي

2. They envied me for my acceptance and nearness,
So they slandered me to you, though I had done no wrong.

٢. حسدوني عَلى قبولي وَقربي
فَوشوا بي لَديك مِن غَير جرم

3. I nearly believed the truth in suspicion,
But suspicion is sometimes partly sin.

٣. كدت بالظن لِلحَقيقة أُهدَى
لَكن الظَن تارة بَعض إثم

4. God knows what was said was false,
By people who freely ate my flesh.

٤. علِم اللَه أَن ما قيل زورٌ
مِن أُناس حلا لَهُم أَكلُ لحمي

5. They knew not that in their blindness,
My hand mixed it with surrender's poison.

٥. ما دروا أَنَّهُ لفرط عماهم
مزجته يَدُ الخضوع بسمّ

6. If I had known them, O my prince,
I would have struck the foolish among them with an arrow,

٦. وَلَوَ اَنِّي عرفتهم يا أَميري
لرميت السَفيه مِنهُم بسهم

7. And tracked them until
They walked straight and came under my rule.

٧. وَاقتفيت الآثار مِنهُم إِلى أَن
يَستَقيموا وَيدخلوا تَحتَ حكمي

8. All this from them I gain through my weakness,
Not through my strength, will or determination.

٨. كُل هَذا مِنهُم أَنال بضعفي
لا بِحَولي وَقوّتي أَو بِعَزمي

9. If you are pleased, I care not
For the dispraise of the straying defamer.

٩. وَلئن كُنتَ راضياً لا أُبالي
بِلئامٍ فاهوا ضَلالاً بذمي

10. And if you get angry without a crime from me,
And do not act with restraint,

١٠. وَإِذا ما غضبتَ مِن غَير ذَنب
كان مني وَلم تُعامِلْ بحلم

11. And give ear to slanderers relating from me
Whatever they want in every matter,

١١. وَأبحتَ الوشاةَ تنقل عَني
ما أَرادوا في كُل أَمر ملم

12. And answer my praises with rejection
And constant coldness and stoning,

١٢. وَمَديحي قابلتَه بصدود
وَجَفاء عَلى الدَوام وَرجم

13. Then forgiveness, mercy and peace
Where the evening found a pit after sickness.

١٣. فَعلى العَفو رحمةٌ وَسَلامٌ
حَيث أَمسى بحفرة بَعد سقم

14. And to your generous essence is dedicated
The most plentiful share of varied praises -

١٤. وَإِلى ذاتك الكَريمة يُهدَى
مِن ضروب المَديح أَوفر قسم

15. No loyal, exonerated servant
Has recited them in daytime or at nightstar's rising.

١٥. ما تَلا مخلص براءة عَبد
في نَهار أَو عِندَ مَطلع نجم