
O Hana, on this auspicious Thursday night

يا هنا ليلة الخميس النفيسه

1. O Hana, on this auspicious Thursday night
With the birth of one with beautiful and delightful charm

١. يا هَنا لَيلة الخَميس النَفيسهْ
بِولادٍ لذات حسن أَنيسهْ

2. She arrived at five past the hour
And removed the frowns from every face

٢. هِيَ في خامس السويعات لاحَت
فَأَزالَت عَن كُل وَجه عبوسه

3. She is a radiant sun to the shining full moon
Who has always found joy in her companion

٣. وَهيَ شَمس بَدَت لِبَدرٍ مُنير
لَم يَزَل بِالسُرور يَلقَى جَليسه

4. And with her the dawn of the fourth day of Jumada glistened
After the barrenness and dryness

٤. وَبِها اِزدان صُبح رابع يَوم
مِن جَمادى وَلانَ بَعد اليبوسه

5. And the dwellings of Hattour prided themselves
With the blessing that erased the marks of misfortune

٥. وَمَبادى هاتور مِنها تَباهَت
بِسُعود مَحَت رُسوم النحوسه

6. So congratulations Yusuf, you are virtuous, and know
That the daughter of the president is also excellent

٦. فَتهنأ يا يوسف الفَضل وَاعلم
أَن بِنت الرَئيس أَيضاً رَئيسه

7. And let what he told me of your acceptance remain etched
A delightful sun has risen, the confidante

٧. وَابق ما قالَ لي قبولك أَرخ
طَلعت النَديم شَمسٌ نَفيسه