1. In the gardens of Tunis for Imam al-Sadiq
High above creation, the mouths of gardens smiled
١. بِرِياض تُونس للامام الصادقِ
عالي الذرى اِبتسمت ثُغورُ حَدائقِ
2. And nightingales twittered atop the branches
Praising him in elegant, sublime verse
٢. وَترنمت فَوق الغُصون عَنادلٌ
في مَدحه بِبَديع نَظمٍ فائق
3. And they began to chirp praise upon him in
Their melodies in refined, pleasant prose
٣. وَغَدَت تغرّد بِالثَناء عَلَيهِ في
أَلحانِها بِرَفيع نَثرٍ رائق
4. And ears delight in his attributes
Echoing with eloquent speech
٤. وَتُشنَّفُ الأَسماع مِن أَوصافه
بتردّدٍ يُزري بِمَنطق ناطق
5. And they say before his greatness in a gathering
Of every heart enamored with virtues
٥. وَتَقول بَينَ يَدي عُلاه بمحفل
مِن كُل صَدر لِلمَكارم عاشق
6. O you, the king who flooded the land
With the rain of his generosity in a gushing downpour
٦. يا أَيُها الملك الَّذي غَمَر الوَرى
مِن جُود راحَته بِغَيث دافق
7. And with it his country's neck was adorned
And with it she surpassed the predecessor
٧. وَبِهِ تَحلّى مِنهُ جيد بِلاده
وَسَمَت بِهِ في لاحق عَن سابق
8. And her times were described in his era
With prosperity that appears to the perceiver
٨. وَصَفت لَها في عَصره أَوقاتها
بَرفاهة تبدو لِعَين الرامق
9. The state and true religion adorned themselves
With his light within it in a shining rising
٩. وَالملك وَالدين القَويم تَجمّلا
مِن نُوره فيها بِطَلعة شارق
10. And the lion kneels in prostration to his sword
In every battlefield like a gloomy night
١٠. وَالأُسد تومي بِالسُجود لِسَيفه
في كُل معترك كَليل غاسق
11. And every steadfast one in his view fears
His strike from every bold and confident one
١١. وَتهاب كُلَّ مسدّد في رَأيه
مِن كُل شَهم بِالإِصابة واثق
12. Every staunch minister by his management
Makes the deeds of every conqueror forgotten
١٢. مِن كُل لَيث بِالوِزارة قائم
تَدبيرُه يُنسي وَقائعَ طارق
13. And the attack of every brave century fears
Of resolute temperament in battle, skillful
١٣. وَتَخاف صَولةَ كُل قرن باسل
صَعب الشَكيمة في المَضارب حاذق
14. So victory is tied to his banner that
Rises over the banners of all competitors
١٤. فَالنَصر مَقرون بِرايته الَّتي
تَعلو عَلى رايات كُل مُسابق
15. And virtue testifies that he is most deserving of it
Beyond kings in all lands and horizons
١٥. وَالفَضل يَشهَدُ أَنَّهُ أَولى بِهِ
دُون المَلا بِمَغارب وَمَشارق
16. Good tidings to you of the month of fasting with what you desire
Of return in obedience to the Creator
١٦. بُشراك مِن شَهر الصِيام بِما تَشا
مِن عَودة في طاعة لِلخالق
17. And a thousand holidays you shall remain blessed
Within it with a kingdom accompanying the Saudis
١٧. وَبِأَلف عيد لا تَزال منعَّماً
فيها بملك للسعود مرافق
18. What Majdi said in praise documenting
A holiday illuminated by the rising of the name Sadiq
١٨. ما قالَ مَجدي في الهَناء مؤرِّخاً
عيد أَضاءَ بِطالع اسم صادق