1. A star shone in Egypt, a youth whose radiance
Increased the world's brightness, surpassing the dawn.
١. بَدا بِالعُلا في مَصر نجلٌ ضياؤه
بِهِ اِزدادَت الدُنيا صَفاءً عَلى صَفا
2. In Rajab was born his auspicious birth
On the night the best of prophets ascended on high.
٢. وَفي رَجب قَد طابَ مَولده الَّذي
بِمعراج خَير الأَنبياء تَشرّفا
3. I wished to congratulate him on the birth, recording
The excellence that came from Mustafa's line.
٣. فَقُلت أَهنِّي بِالولاد مؤرّخاً
أَتى حسن مِن راقم الجُند مصطفى