1. From Europe appeared high of minaret
With a face shining with the sun of daytime
١. مِن أَوروبا بَدا رَفيع المَنار
بِمحيا يَزرى بِشَمس النَهار
2. So Egypt wore the garment of humanity when
He appeared in it crowned with pottery
٢. فاكتست مصر حلةَ البشر لما
لاحَ فيها متوّجاً بالفخار
3. And for his graceful court a position
When he reached it, all glory returned
٣. ولديوانه المنيف مقاماً
حينَ وافاه عاد كُل اعتبار
4. And by the season of destiny he dispelled from it
Whatever doubts and flaws had affected it
٤. وَبفصل القضاء قد ردّ عَنهُ
ما اِعتَراه مِن رَيبة وَعثار
5. And protected it with determination and celebration
From the evil of mismanagement and deception
٥. وَوقاه بهمة وَاحتِفال
شَر سوء التَدبير وَالاغترار
6. And guided it from misguidance with an opinion
None can equal in correctness and eminence
٦. وَهداه مِن الضلال برأي
ما يُباريه في السَداد مباري
7. And by the lights of his justice the darkness
Of tyranny, error, and discord departed from it
٧. وَبِأَنوار عَدله زالَ عَنهُ
غَيهَب الجور وَالخَطا وَالشنار
8. So he prides himself on an arrival in which
He attained the height of glory, brilliance, and dignity
٨. فَتَباهى بِمقدم نال فيهِ
غاية المَجد وَالسَنا وَالوَقار
9. And the auspicious one said, record the date
He came with good fortune, the one with the sword
٩. وَلي السَعد قال في العَود أَرِّخ
جاءَ بِاليمن زاهياً ذُو الفَقار