
Every poem in you laments!

كل شعر فيك ينتحب

1. Every poem in you laments!
Our anger has died in our depths!

١. كُلُّ شِعرٍ فيكِ ينتَحِبُ!
مات في أعماقنا الغَضَبُ!

2. We are a people, whenever souls
Are shed, speeches are exhausted

٢. نَحنُ قَومٌ كُلما سُفِكَت
أنفُسٌ تُستنفَد الخُطَبُ

3. In our sheaths there are no rods
Rods appeared in their eyelids

٣. ليسَ في أغمادنا قُضُبٌ
هرِئَت في جفنها القُضُبُ

4. History has folded our page
And the eminent disappeared in its folds

٤. قد طَوى التاريخُ صفحتنا
واختفى في طَيِّها النُّجُبُ

5. So ascend to Allah, Oh Aleppo
Among the dead there is no one who jumps

٥. فَاصعَدِي للَّهِ يَا حَلَبُ
ليس في الأموات مَن يَثِبُ

6. All those whose tears have flowed
In France their condition is wondrous

٦. كُلُّ من سَحَّت دموعُهُمُ
في فرنسا شأنهم عَجَبُ

7. Their faces have traveled there
And with the gray-haired they wear the veil

٧. سَفَرَت فِيها وجوههم
ولدى الشَّهباء تَنتقِبُ