
Tell the one who filled their heart with pessimism

قل للذي ملأ التشاؤم قلبه

1. Tell the one who filled their heart with pessimism
And went about constricting the horizons around us

١. قُل للَّذي مَلأ التَّشاؤُمُ قلبَهُ
ومَضَى يُضَيِّقُ حَولَنا الآفَاقَا

2. The secret of happiness is your good opinion of Him
Who created life and apportioned the livelihoods

٢. سِرُّ السَّعَادَةِ حُسنُ ظَنِّكَ بالذي
خَلَقَ الحياةَ وقَسَّمَ الأَرزَاقا